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Lyra's POV:

"is it true? Is it true? Is it?!" Mae who's usually calm began bugging me.

"can we see please?" Yura begged, tugging the ends of my skirt.

"how did you do it? How did it happen? Tell us!" Jaja whined and it was incredibly difficult to keep track of everything they were saying.

"calm down; relax" I laughed nervously trying to calm them but it didn't work as they bugged me even more.

They were begging to see my wings.

Cyrus told everyone yesterday I had finally cracked opened my shell and flew.

When the triplets heard of it, they managed to keep themselves in check but they haven't given me a breathing space since they opened their eyes.

We were on our way to the arena and no matter how much I had begged, they wouldn't stop, not even for a second.

"you say relax like it's something we can easily do when it's not!" Yura yelled hopelessly.

"just show us already? Please?!" Mae flashed a wide smile showing her upper teeth.

"I'll show you while we train" I opened the huge double doors and saw everyone there already.

"someone took her sweet time" Cyrus walked over and held my hands in his with a proud smile on his face.

"well it wasn't exactly easy to shake these three off" I glared at the triplets who were still closely behind me trying to be patient but failed woefully.

"so who's starting first?" Tamar asked, with an axe over his shoulder.

"honestly, I was thinking if we only did warm-ups and not particularly go hard-core today" Jackie spoke up, shocking everyone.

We all gawked at what she had just said.

It wasn't like her to miss a chance to beat us all up.

"I know it's pretty weird for me to say but we train basically every day and though doing warm-ups still count, it doesn't necessarily mean we're not training but we're not going as hard as we used to" she spoke calmly.

"I will admit; it would be nice just to do less than we normally do in a day-"

"we don't care what you decide to do today; all we want is to see Lyra's wings in action" Mae wailed and her siblings agreed enthusiastically.

"come to think of it; I do want to see them" Eri gently brushed my shoulders.

"me too!" Imogen smiled, pushing me to the end of the arena and stepping away; giving me space.

Well if you can't beat them, join them.

I told myself while taking deep breaths.

Everyone was silent and watched in anticipation.

The base of my back became heavier as I felt them come out and I let them stretch themselves.

I was immediately showered with compliments from everyone and the triplets didn't waste much time dashing toward me.

"c-can we touch them?" Yura nervously asked and I couldn't say no.

They were gently though my wings twitched like they had a mind of their own when the first contact was made.

"they're beautiful! I knew you could do it" Eri hugged me.

"I wish I could see them, but I'm sure they're amazing" Jackie said silently and it got my attention.

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