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King Cyrus towered over me.

Even if I was tall, I couldn't do anything about his intimidating height.

He was looking down on me.


I wanted to move past him but that just got me back to square one.

"did I ask you to move?" he growled and I shook my head.

"good. You've been acting out of place lately" he bent his head down slightly, though I couldn't see his face, his eyes managed to bore holes in my skull.

"I apologize sir"

"I don't want your apology; I want your blood"

Before I had the chance to process everything he'd said, he pushed me on his bed with force.

I tried getting up on my elbows but he crawled over me like a predator hunting down prey which was quite accurate in this situation.

Begging and running were the first two things that came to mind but it would only make the situation worse than it already is.

"I've tried to be patient with you. I've tried not to drink too deeply from you's just too tempting"

He took his time till we were face to face.

"I'm known for many things but holding back was never one of them"

I began to struggle but he pinned both hands to either sides of me.

My insides became hot and I slowly but surely began to sweat.

"I'll never tire of the look of fear you have on your face" he chuckled before he licked my neck.

"please sir; let me go" or get this over with.

"you seem to forget who you're talking to. I'm the f*cking vampire king; I can do to you whatever I wish and no one can or will stop me" he bellowed.

His grip around my wrists began to tighten even more and it stung.

"your majesty, you're hurting me" I squeaked out.

"and do you think I give a damn? I could have my horses f*ck you and there's nothing you can say or do that'll change my mind"

That was pretty disgusting but he was trying to prove a point.

I had no right to do anything.

I was utterly powerless against an ordinary vampire, talk more of their king!

"you making me talk too much has actually increased my thirst" he ran his tongue across his fangs and I gulped the huge lump in my throat.

"let's get this over with, shall me?"

His face blurred from my vision and the next thing I felt were fangs.

They forced themselves into my skin with such force I couldn't suppress the small yelp that accidentally escaped.

"your blood is amazing. It tastes like nectar and it's driving me to the brink of insanity" he pulled out before diving in again with even more force.

It became more and more painful and I felt like I couldn't handle it anymore.

"your highness please stop" I tried to push him off but he came closer and closer and the pain was becoming unbearable.

"please" I had no idea where I had enough strength to push him off completely, ripping his fangs out and it made me scream a little as tears clump in my eyes.

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