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The doors to the arena swung open and we all walked in.

Rayhan wasn't here; he had to entertain a friend.

Coming here for practice felt different from coming here to watch.

We didn't have a choice but to participate.

"alright, now there are two main ways to fight; hand to hand or with weapons. Since you're still fresh off the boat, we'll use a wooden staff today" Imogen walked over to the weapons case and got three staffs, handing one to me and Eri.

We walked to the pit of the arena and stood facing each other; well Imogen was facing us both.

"oh, Eri? This is rightfully yours" I handed her the blue crystal and she wore it without thinking twice.

Just then we heard the doors open and Rayhan and an unfamiliar face walked in.

He was lanky and tall but had a bit of muscle on him with dark short hair and slanted eyes.

"Rayhan? Why did you bring Tamar here?" Imogen asked trying not to blush.

"well I told him you were training the fresh meat and he said he wanted to watch" he smirked as they both sat down closer.

"do we have to wear these?" Eri pinched at the shoulder of her dress.

"of course you do, these are our uniforms. We have to feel free and be open. It's better than wearing tight stuffy things that we can't fight in"

"but there too revealing" I complained as well.

"don't worry, you'll get used to it" she smiled and changed stance.

"does that mean we can get tattoos as well?" I couldn't stop myself from asking.

"you can if you want to but focus. Now...think of the staff as an extended arm and a shield at the same time. You can use it to block your opponents' attacks if you're fast enough and yet you can use it to hit your opponents"

Eri and I exchanged looks before turning to her again.

"don't keep your hands together and too close to the middle; it'll throw you off balance. Your hands should be far apart to let your movements flow easily"

Imogen showed a demonstration and me and Eri followed her footsteps.

"now keep your legs apart but not too far so you won't be thrown off balance; if you're on the ground our opponent has the upper this"

Before I could finish calculating what had happened, Eri and I found ourselves on the ground.

I could hear Rayhan and Tamar laughing at us and stood with a bit of embarrassment.

"pia ou cha chu nu en uam sk'ha"
(They have cute butts)
Rayhan commented and Imogen gave him a look before rolling her eyes.

I might not know how to speak their language, but I could tell it had something to do with our bodies and attire.

This is going to be a long day.


I was seated with Tamar, Rayhan and Eri as we watched Imogen and Sam spar.

He was dressed in the men's warrior clothes like all the guys present and insisted on having a sparring match with Imogen mostly because he was intimidated by Rayhan and even Tamae

"and I thought you girls were pathetic" Tamar commented and I scoffed.

How could they expect us to compete with them?

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