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Cyrus covered my vision.

Seeing him above me made my heart race, not knowing what to expect.

His eyes reflected the flame of the candles beautifully.

Lust was written over his features and I could tell it was taking everything in him not to rip my clothes off.

He gently placed his fingers where the top of my dress bundled around my waist and pulled everything down so I was stark naked in his eyes.

I could feel his gaze shift, looking at every part of me.

He swallowed audibly before his eyes forced themselves back to mine.

"you have no idea how hard this is for me" his lips met mine once more and I wrapped my arms around his neck.

I never wanted to let him go.

He looked amazing, smelt amazing and tasted even better.

He was becoming an addiction.

I didn't want this to end.

His soft lips left mine and I instantly began whining.

Cyrus kept kissing, sucking and biting my neck, going lower and lower as he did so.

Until I felt his mouth on my breast then my breath hitched in my throat.

He gently pulled and bit at my nipple.

The sensation was enough to make me run wild.

This was something I had never felt before.

I felt like he shouldn't stop and if he did, I would go insane.

My breathe was becoming raspy as Cyrus continued his work.

When he finally stopped, I could feel it harden against the cool air before he gave the second one the same amount of attention.

His hands toured my body and I could feel my legs throb.

It was annoying but oh did it feel good.

So, so good.

He stopped to look at me before going lower and lower.

He saw the questioning look before asking;

"do you trust me?" he whispered.

I trusted Cyrus with everything.

By body, my soul, my very existence.

I shyly nodded and watch him place a kiss between my legs.

The sudden contact made my body jerk.

His chuckle made my entire body vibrate and made my legs pool.

I thought I had reached my height but I was proven wrong when he began working his tongue.

"Cyrus!" I gasped, my eyes rolling into their sockets and my lips parting open.

My back arched even more off the bed.

His hands crawled to my breasts to massage them.

My low moans slowly began filling the room.

So, this is what the other girls experienced that made them moan at night.

Eri, Imogen and Darya.

Not all on the same nights but almost every day.

I always wondered what they did and now I know.

I never knew the heights of such pleasure existed.

Cyrus really had a way with his tongue and he licked and sucked me clean, making the throbbing feeling increase and my body pool even more.

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