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King Cyrus (Josh Heuston) in the media:

My body went incredibly still.

Maybe it was just a figment of my imagination.

But it was way too detailed to come from my head. 

"and where do you think you're going little one?" his voice was incredibly deep.

Slowly, I turned around and kept my head down, finding interest in my shoes.

I didn't see where he came out from but I was way too scared to know.

I could hear the sound of his shoes as he made his way towards me.

"is my table going to set itself?" he pushed a strand of hair over my shoulder.

As calmly as I could, I made my way to his dinning and arranged everything for him while he sat and watched me.

For me to finish everything with my shaky hands and not dropping anything was a miracle.

When I was done, I stood a few feet behind him and watched him eat.

I knew if I stayed in front of him, something deep down would've tempted me to look at him and we all know that won't end well.

The only sound that could be heard was the cutlery and the plates.

If he'd stopped eating, I would feel like my breathing was too loud.

He was taking his sweet time to eat and when he was done, he gulped down the metallic liquid like it was nothing.

It always irritated me when I saw them drink blood.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when he cleared his throat.

Indicating that it was time for me to clean it up.

'don't break anything, don't break anything, don't break anything' I sang in my head.

"what is your name human?" he suddenly said and it startled me so much that I almost dropped his chalice.

"L-Lyra your ma-majesty" fear was laced in my voice.

I wanted to get out of here as fast as I could.

"look me in the eye human!" he was suddenly holding my upper arm.

I had no choice but to look at him.

I used the brief moment to soak his features.

He had black hair like that of mid-night, pink heart-shaped lips, a jawline and pointed nose and his eyes.

He had beautiful mint green emeralds.

There was power radiating off him.

He's also well-built to an extent.

Though he's the strongest vampire around, I'm guessing he still does exercises that make him this buff.

Yes, he's scary but he was also beautiful.

"that's a good girl" he gently let go of my arm.

This was an odd encounter.

I don't think he could treat any of his slaves like this.

I can't believe I'm saying this but I almost got lost in his beautiful eyes.

Few strands of his black hair fell on his face and it gave him a boyish look.

It made him look so innocent.

Like he wasn't the most feared person in this part of the world or atleast this part of the world.

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