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Ms. Melody (Martha Stewards) in the media:

By the time everything was done, the sun was setting.

I watched everyone go in groups while I stood alone.

Watching a handful of them socialize with one another while I stood in a corner feeling cursed.

"so, you're Lyra?" the lady came up to me with a little smile on her face.

She looked less scary than when she was giving a speech about how worthless we are.

"y-yes ma'am" my voice was like a whisper.

"you're going to get tired of this whole ma'am thing. Please call me Ms. Melody" she looked so sweet.

If anyone had told me she would give a death speech, I'd kick them.

"ok ma- Ms. Melody" my head was down as to show respect.

I couldn't tell if she was a vampire or not but I didn't want to take that chance.

"follow me and be quick. We haven't got all day" she walked into the palace and I followed behind.

We took the back door and found ourselves in the kitchen.

There were so many servants walking up and down busy with one thing or the other.

The size of the kitchen was equivalent to that of my old home; in two places.

If the kitchen was this big, I wonder how the rest of castle was.

"you'll need to get something to eat first" she threw an apple at me and thankfully, I caught it.

"as the Kings personal servant, you'll have to be at his beck and call. Never talk back to him, say no, speak unless spoken to, look him in the eye and or cry. Those were the things I said outside"

I was hard to keep up with Ms. Melody, for an old lady, she could walk fast.

I tried to look and listen at the same time but it was stressful.

Everything in the palace was royal.

The walls in some part looked gold.

Other parts had different colors.

The floor was with a beautiful red carpet and chandeliers were atop us as we walked through the long never-ending halls.

There was no way I could not get lost even if I had a freaking map of the whole place!

"you'll be staying in the servant quarters. One more important rule. No wandering or going to the boy's side is strictly forbidden"

That should come in handy(!).

We kept on walking till we got to a pair of double doors.

Majestically, they swung open and I was gawking a bit.

"this is the slave quarters. The boys sleep by the left and girls by the right. Each room can fit two to four people and a little bathroom is inside. Your servant clothes have already been prepared. You get to choose your size. Same goes for shoes"

There were so many doors.

How do I know which room is mine?

Just as luck would have it my room was 331.

The numbers were engraved into the wood of the doors.

All I have to do is remember.

It was small with three beds and a closet with another door I assume is the toilet?

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