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"is rushing up her healing process a good idea?" I casually leaned on the wall and watched Darya do her thing.

It has been eight days since we had rescued her from Hellen and Darya has been giving her special potions to help her heal faster.

Though she had opened her eyes four days ago, she still can't sit on her own or talk for that matter, all she could do was to observe.

Her eyes are a bit brighter and the dark circles are still there but going away, her skin is having a bit of color or at least more than when we rescued her.

She's been eating though what she takes in isn't enough to satisfy a bunny yet we don't push her any more than she can go.

As for her wounds, they're being treated with special ointments but the one on her back is where the main problem is.

It's healing slower than all her other injuries.

The crystal still hasn't fully regained its powers.

At times I wonder what goes on in her head at this point and if she will try to bring me closer to her.

Everyone has attempted to feed her except Sam.

He still doesn't have the courage to look her in the eyes and apologize no matter how much the girls urge him.

Anyways, they've all fed her and she ate as little as she could from them but whenever I try, she won't so much as open her mouth.

I know she still hasn't totally warmed up to me but I thought maybe we would at least be where we were before all this happened.

Imogen and Eri have been saying that it's only a matter of time but I feel it'll more than that, a whole lot more.

"well this is how it has to be. With the way things are, letting her heal naturally will slow us down if not, we would have let her heal at her own pace" she sat at the edge of the bed, gently massaging her hand.

I watched Lyra's lips try to move into a smile.

It was difficult but she did try.

She was getting better faster than anyone of us had hoped.

"alright time to eat" Eri danced into the room with a bowl of food in her hands.

"right on time, Cyrus could you help me sit her up?" Darya asked as I made my way over to the bed.

My arms moved to touch her shoulder but to my surprise, her smile had died and she flinched like I was going to smack her, she was also as stiff as a board.

This had never happened before, though I had made no attempts to touch her while awake before.

Everyone else noticed it and I could tell they all felt bad for me…I mean who wouldn't?

"why don't you hold the food and I'll help lift her up" Eri broke the uncomfortable silence, passing the plate over to me.

Lyra's facial expressions began to soften as Eri moved closer, anyone could see she was beginning to relax and my chest began to hurt.

The thought of her never warming to me hurt like nothing I've ever felt.

Desperation and sadness began to set in.

I didn't know when I had left the room.

Eri's POV:

I had honestly felt bad for Cyrus; he's trying so hard to change for Lyra but she doesn't want him anywhere near her.

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