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Sam's POV:

Lyra doesn't know what she's talking about.

I mean how could she have thoughts about trying to escape a heavily guarded castle.

If the guards were humans, it would've made things slightly easier but we're talking about fully grown vampires!

They've been trained to kill and we can't match their physical skills.

Even if I could...I don't think I could leave...her.

She's my world and the only one I have left.

How would I explain to Lyra and the others about her?

Will they even accept her?

Even if they did, it still comes down to 'IF': they can accept her, if we can escape and if we can make it in the wild.

Thoughts kept on flying through my head as I approached Lady Hellen's door.

Maybe being a personal servant won't be so bad, if she isn't all that wicked.

I knocked three times before awaiting a response.

Upon hearing nothing I decided to walk in.

It was the first time I had seen the room of any royal.

I noticed a small dining table and placed the food while wondering what to do.

The girls didn't exactly give me much advice on how to go about this personal servant thing.

So I decided to follow my instincts by waiting.

She could come in at any moment and ask for me to do something and if I'm not there then it would be a big problem.

"did I ask you to enter?" I heard a voice coming from a door I didn't notice.

She must have been taking a bath.

Her voice was cold; one wrong move and I could get whipped.

"n-no Milady" I bowed my head.

"then why did you come in?" if she had just come from a bath, then I should try my best to avoid looking at her.

"I had your breakfast and I didn't want it to get cold-"

She didn't say anything.

"what if I wasn't hungry?" I could tell it was a trick question.

Anyhow I answered, I would end up getting beaten.

"I'm sorry for the trouble Milady, I'm new to being a personal servant so I don't know the rules, before this I was a gardener. Do forgive me"

The whole room was silent.

"I shall show you mercy only for today"

"thank you Milady" this honestly isn't so hard; either that or I'm just lucky.

"pick out what I shall wear and arrange the table"

"yes mistress" without glancing at her, I headed to the wardrobe, there were so many fancy clothes for her.

I picked the one I thought was the best and placed it on her bed before going to set up her breakfast.

She didn't say anything after that.

The lady only ate her breakfast quietly while I waited for her to finish so I could take the tray away.

"this isn't enough" she grumbled pulling me out of my daze.

"what isn't enough mistress?"

"the blood; and it isn't sweet either"

"let me fetch some for you" I immediately headed for the door.

"where do you think you're going?" and I froze immediately.

"t-to get more blood mistress"

"why do that when you're hear already" from her tone of voice, she was obviously smiling.

I'm guessing this is the negative side of being a personal slave.

Why did I assume it would be better?

"come here" my legs wanted to make a run for it but my brain did the logical thing and walked towards the Lady.

"what's your name?" she asked while holding my shoulder when I was close enough.

"S-Sam, mistress" I'm not meant to be acting like a scared girl; for crying out loud I'm a man so I have to be brave.

"well I like you Sam, you seem smart and logical. Something tells me we're going to be great friends"

And her fangs sunk into my neck.

A small grunt left me but I had to keep still and endure the pain.

Something in me was screaming to shove her off.

But if I do that, she might ask for my head so I'll have to stick with this.

"your blood is amazing but it's not enough for me" I didn't want her to kill me today.

I was getting slightly scared but I didn't let it show.

She came to my ear and whispered.

"I WANT ALL OF YOU" she stood up and held my hand leading me towards her bed.

"b-but the king-"

"won't know about it if we don't tell him. Besides you're meant to give me everything I ask; it's your duty as a personal slave" she cut me off.

Getting on her bad side was one thing but getting on the King's bad side was another problem entirely.

It would seem wrong to lay with her.

But, I hate to admit but she does have a point and it's not like I could refuse.

She could make up a story or something that would put me in trouble.


I snapped out and looked at her.

There was no way she could be serious.

"you heard me...strip"

Taking a deep breath, I began to take of my clothes with my hands shaking terribly.

The fear of getting caught was my main concern.

When I was done, the Lady's eyes scanned me from head to toe.

The feeling was so uncomfortable and I began fidgeting with my fingers.

"I won't lie, I'm impressed. Not bad for a human" she walked to the door and locked it with a smile on her face.

"now it's my turn" the Lady took off her dress and I make sure I didn't look at her.

"I find it cute that your shy but don't worry, I'll release the monster in you" her cold skin was next to mine.

"now...let's get started shall we?" and she caught me unaware and pushed me on her bed

"m-milady, I-I've never done this before"

"that's what'll make it more fun. I promise you'll have a good time with me"

She climbed atop me and straddled me.

I felt her hands move across my chest and I shivered.

"now let's have fun shall we?" she came closer and kissed me...

I apologize for the short chapter but I didn't know what to do from here.
Plus, I didn't want to give the full details.
Let your imagination run wild.
Who do you think the 'she' Sam's talking about?

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