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It's been three days since the lady arrived.

Every now and then, she would barge into the king's room and save me from his terrible feeding sessions.

Whatever she does with him isn't my business as long it keeps a few gallons of blood in me.

But that wasn't too big of a problem.

Eri wasn't with us because of prince Xander.

He hasn't given her any breathing space since the day lady Hellen arrived.

"are you ok? Lyra; you were lost in thought again" Nadia held my shoulder.

"oh it's nothing, I'm just thinking"

We were at our breakfast table waiting for Sam.

I had told him 2 days ago to meet us here if he had made up his mind.

We currently have the whole day to ourselves since we've done our chores and the royals weren't in the palace currently.

"sorry for keeping you" Sam sounded out of breath as he stopped jogging when he was close to us.

"so...we all know the current situation and we need to start planning with these few days that we have left" I spoke in a serious tone of voice.

"Sam are you in or out?"

He rubbed the back of his neck before speaking.

"there's someone here that I can't leave behind. She's small and frail and I don't think she'll survive without me. I don't think I could leave her-"

"we can bring her but that's it; we need to be as small as possible"

I noticed his face lighten up slightly.

Whoever she was, she was really important to him; I'm only shocked that I haven't met her yet.

"so what are we going to do?" Nadia asked getting a bit excited.

"the main problem should be getting horses. The guards are going to be taken care of. We'll also need food and water obviously"

"I can handle the horses" Sam immediately volunteered.

For some odd reason, Nadia looked lost in thought; almost unhappy I would say, like she wasn't excited moments ago.

"N-Nadia is something wrong"

"what? Oh! It's nothing...I'll handle food and water" she gave a weak smile.

"and I'll handle the guards. If everything is successful, this might be our last days locked up in this place"

I could only hope the hooded lady had a plan to do something about the guards...

King Cyrus' POV:

Hellen requested for a picnic and she wasn't taking no for an answer.

All I wanted to do was be in my chamber taking Lyra's elixir.

I was slowly getting addicted to it.

For some odd reason it wasn't only her blood that I wanted.

I began to crave everything about her.

Her innocent face, her smile, how she carried herself and whatnot.

Lyra was really special.

I couldn't stand being away from her.

I have never felt this way towards any woman; not even Hellen.

I do sleep with her every now and then but that's it.

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