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"are you sure? Last I checked, vampires don't have wings"

"not ALL vampires have wings; only direct descendants of the royal family do" Cyrus smirked.

"I still don't believe you" I folded my arms.

He came close to me and extend his hand.

There was a skeptical look on my face but he urged me to trust him.

I took his hand we walked around the castle in silence.

It was really awkward to just walk without saying a thing.

I was about to speak when he led me to a balcony.

"what are we doing here?" my eyes furrowed in confusion as he let go of my hand and walked towards the edge.

"Cyrus?" I called out as he stood on the railing.

With a smile on his face, he spread his arms and leaned backward, letting himself fall.

I ran to the edge but before I could get there, he was hovering in the air with a beautiful set of wings.

They were like the wings of an angel but they were black as night and they were really beautiful.

"h-how is this-" I was left in awe. Never had I ever imagined that such was possible.

"we don't usually use our wings unless it's life threatening danger. I have learnt how to control them and will use the knowledge I know to teach you" he smiled and reached out for me.

"I don't think I should" I shyly turned down the offer and stayed on the balcony.

Thankfully, he didn't force me; he only landed and let his wings dissolve into his back.

"your shirt" where the wings had come out from tore his shirt, there were two huge gashes on the back.

"don't worry about it. Now do you believe me?" he smirked and I rolled my eyes.

Well I guess we have our work cut out for us…


I decided to take flying lessons first.

Cyrus told me that it would be difficult to learn especially in one day so I should try first.

Alya was kind enough to take us to a cliff where they teach children to fly.

There was a child there already.

He had the wings of a dragonfly, though it was small to match her size and light bounced off them, making it glow in the sun.

The boy looked 7 years old.

"don't tell me you brought me here to embarrass myself in front of him" I mumbled and Alya laughed as we stood at the edge of the cliff.

"no, it's just a coincidence. Anyways; let me tell you all I know about flying. There's not much to it except that feeling of freedom. When you're in the air, you let your body surrender to the skies. One of the hardest parts is getting your wings to move; asides that, you'll basically know what to do. The best was to learn flight is though-" she pushed the boy down the cliff and we all heard him scream as he neared the ground.

"trial by fire"

"what if he doesn't get it?" I asked, not willing to witness the death of a child again.

"if he doesn't, I'll catch him but-" she was interrupted when the boy flew above the cliff at an alarming speed.

There was a huge smile on his face as he soared though the sky like a bird set free.

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