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How such could happen was beyond me.

The house was a huge mess.

Things were scattered and broken like there was a huge fight happened right here.


Where's me-maw?

A whole new sense of fear filled me.

If she had left, there would be a sign or something that she would leave behind.

"me-maw?"  my voice was shaky.

It was taking a whole lot for me not to cry.

I could barely see.

When coughing filled my ears, I ran to the sound.

I ran to where the sound was coming from and noticed a huge plank atop something.

Gathering enough strength, I took it off.

There she was.

Me-maw was bleeding with a wound that was by the right side of stomach.

"me-maw? W-what happened?" I cuddled her limp body close to mine.

This can't happen at least not now.

Not when we're going to be free at long last.

Not when we planned to escape.

Why today?

"Lyra? T-they came; you have to run" she was acting scared and using up the last of her energy.

"Who came?" I was fighting back my tears.

"vampire soldiers. They took everything and I tried to fight them" she coughed again.

Blood was still oozing out of her and it was scaring me.

"you have to get out of here. It's not safe!" me-maw gripped unto my hand.

"I'm not going to leave you. Let me heal your injuries" I didn't know where I was going to get someone or something to fix her but I knew I had to.

"there's no use anyway. I'm already too old" me-maw tried to laugh but it turned into a cough instead.

The first tear drop fell from my cheek.

"you have to promise me something" she began to pant.

Her time was running out.

My breathing was heavy.

"me-maw stay with me, please" I could barely see what was happening.

Tears had blocked my vision.

"promise me you'll go to Noie. All the answers are there"

"me-maw I-"

"just promise me!" if she wasn't dying, she would've yelled at me.

What other choice do I have?

Me-maw had done so much for me and if this is the only way to repay her, then I'll do it.

Slowly I nodded my head.

"thank you" was all she said before her eyes fluttered shut.



I can't lose me-maw, at least not now!

"me-maw? ME-MAW WAKE UP, DON'T LEAVE ME!" I roughly shook her body and yelled.

There's no way she was going to leave me like this.

"how sad" someone said from behind me and I turned around quickly.

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