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Darya in the media:

We were in a cave obviously but it wasn't crammed.

There were so many crystals with different colors hanging everywhere beautifying the place.

"this is amazing" Eri gawked.

"so where is she?" I asked Yura.

"well I can be everywhere and nowhere and so can you depending on how much attention you pay" there was a lady suddenly behind me all of a sudden.

She was a bit skinny but not malnourished and looked exactly like the king but her gold eyes shun even more in the dark.

She had long hair and tattoo's everywhere plus some paint on her face and some piercings.

"new minds ready for molding…who are these" she asked her nieces.

"this is Lyra, daughter of Elaka and the last Khamatu. The one beside her is Eri; daughter of Stella Monroe and a witch of snow"

The strange lady looked at us from head to toe like she hadn't seen people before.

"how do you do? My name's Darya" she hugged us both.

"now without wasting time…let's begin"


"since you two are new, I'll try and get you up to speed so I can teach you four together"

"magic can be used as an extension of your senses. It can have a positive and negative result. Here we use magic to better our society and that of the lives of the people…except for those who choose to go out of line. Magic can be used as defense, offense and anything in between. Since you haven't done anything magic related before; I'll teach you how to start or go about it. Some people prefer to store magic and others don't. there are so many magical spells out there and there are stored in spell books. Some more advanced than others. I will lend you the one for beginners so you can practice while at home"

I was excited as well as Eri.

Magic seemed easier to learn than combat but I shouldn't judge a book by its cover right?

"I'll give a little demonstration" Darya brought her arms forward and bright orange light eliminated her hands.

I could see a circle with different markings and designs a few inches away from her fingers.

It looked beautiful and enthralling.

When she kept her hands closer together, the circle became bigger and when she moved her hands far apart, they divided into two.

A/N: if you've watched Doctor Strange or even Loli Rock, you might know what I'm talking about…

"now the first step is harder than all the others. You have to connect with your supernatural self. Close your eyes and keep your arms forward"

We did as we were told; eyes shut, arms forward.

"magic is all about imagination and breaking the walls of containment…doing the impossible" Darya began to circle around us.

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