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Lyra's POV:

It was finally dinner time and we all gathered in their huge dining room.

The table was long and set with a beautiful red tablecloth and flowers here and there.

There were plates and cutlery that were all silver; making it look even more grand.

Everyone took a seat.

Rayhan and Eri sat together which irritated me to no end.

"hey urmm Imogen? Why is Rayhan suddenly attached to Eri? I mean they just met" was I the only one that was bugged out by it?

"I don't know what's gotten into my brother either; he's normally not this attached to girls"

"and Eri hasn't had a crush on a guy before! this is weird"

"I don't have a problem with it" Jaja said out of nowhere.

"you don't have any idea what we're talking about do you?" Imogen rolled her eyes.

"ahem..." the queen cleared her throat and it suddenly became silent.

"let's bow our heads and thank the great priestess for providing for us" she and everyone else put their hands together and bowed their heads.

Everyone except me.

"thank you for providing for us" her voice was small and everyone rose their heads.

"now...let's eat" the king declared and the servants brought in so many trays of food.

"is the food always this...much?" I stared at everything overwhelmingly.

It was too much for everyone to take in.

"even if it is much, the remainder is given to the servants and the poor" Yura answered.

"it's what the priestess would want us to do"

I looked at everything still stunned.

There were so many different types of food and vegetables as well as meat.

Sam had already began eating as well as the rest of the royal family.

I took a bite out of the fish in front of me; it was delicious.

Everyone ate happy while making small talk until the queen asked me a question.

"Lyra why didn't you join us to pray and thank the priestess?"

Everyone turned to look at me.

I didn't know how to put it.

"well urmm...I don't know how to say it exactly but I don't believe in the priestess"

Everyone froze.

What did I say?

"that's not possible" the king stated.

"In all my years, I've never come across a single person who doesn't believe in the priestess* the king drank his wine.

"well I don't. I feel like she hasn't been there for me or for anyone I love or care about. She took my me-maw from me"

Everyone looked shocked at that name.

"de'ma gohay un doumai! Re ho ke ahu n'haka"
(this is outrageous! How can she not believe?) the king turned to his wife.

He seemed angry for some reason; most likely about what I said.

"mer nai jeh ai'ra zulo"
(I don't know but she will soon) his wife answered.

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