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I hoped everyone had everything prepared because I didn't want to take any chances.

I had woken up before the king and gotten dressed in my maid outfit and left the room as quietly as I could without him waking up.

I arrived at our table and saw everyone there already; even Eri.

"h-how're you feeling?" I asked awkwardly.

I've barely seen her since the day of the dinner.

She looked worse than before and that was saying a whole lot.

"well I'm not dead yet" she said weakly but I didn't push it.

We all felt sorry for her and we were worried but all we could do was hope she would make it through to tonight.

"I hope everyone knows their parts" this is the biggest plan and our only chance to see the light of another day.

"Lyra, I hope you know what you're doing because I-if anything goes wrong-"

"nothing is going to happen; we'll be fine" I reassured Nadia.

We've been over this and we won't let doubt set in now.

"BREAKFAST IS OVER MAGGOTS BACK TO WORK!" that was our queue to return to our last day in hell.

I didn't think I could keep up with the king anymore but I just had to...for Eri.

As the huge doors of his room closer and closer I could feel my life force fading away.

I trust that the hooded lady won't let me end like least not today.

Today isn't the day I die and hopefully I don't pass out either.

Nadia's POV:

"I'm honestly going to miss this I really am"

He placed warm kisses all over my face and neck and fighting against the urge to redden certain spots around my neck.

This was what he suggested we do before I go away.

"I have no idea how I'm going to survive without you" his large fingers pushed my hair away.

I could only mewl and moan.

He was making sure I did nothing except be with him; having direct skin contact.

"but...I have to do my chores" I said, softly pushing him away but he held both by hands above my head.

"and I said you shouldn't but...I really love your disobedience" he smirked before roughly attacking my lips.

This wasn't how I dreamt how I would find my prince but I guess it still worked.

Deep down I didn't want this to stop at all.

Honestly, this is the most painful part of this whole operation...the final hours we have together.

It's hard on both of us.

Even if I wanted to stay, what excuse will I say?

They'll look at me like I'm going crazy.

"what's wrong, my love? You're not squirming like you usually do and I wonder why"

"I don't want to leave you" I had to blink the tears away.

Crying is going to ruin this moment for everyone.

"and I don't want you to pick me over your family. I can never measure up to them. As long as you're alive and happy, I'll be fine" he squeezed me into a hug and I began to cry on his damp chest.

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