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Everything about the mysterious lady was so...mysterious.

I didn't want to trust her but seeing as she was in my dreams and knew my full name, I guess I didn't have a choice.

But that was the least of my problems.

Everything that happened last night hit me like a slap on my face.

How the king had asked me to come into his room and relax?

I didn't want to at first but I was so weak that I was out cold when I finally gave in.

With that in mind, I sat up slowly so I wouldn't get dizzy or anything.

The room was just how I left it before sleeping off except I couldn't see the king anywhere.

I used this opportunity to head for the door.

"not so fast" a voice stopped me dead in my tracks.

He was coming out from the bathroom.

I'm guessing someone else had prepared his bath for him.

Which means-

I made sure my eyes were glued to the floor and never looking up.

I didn't want to see anything that could possibly kill me.

His majesty didn't say anything.

I'm guessing he shrugged on some trousers.

"you'll have to eat dinner before you leave" that was when I noticed the plated on the table.

"I possible couldn't sir it would be wrong"

"you're really fond of refusing my requests and I might have you spend a few days in the dungeons. Would you like that?"

I immediately shook my head.

"smart. So be a good girl and take your seat close to me and eat your dinner" he made his way to the table and I followed behind.

I opened the plate and saw the mountain of food that was kept for me.

I don't think I could finish it all.

"leftovers aren't an option. Eat it all" he didn't even look at me while he ate.

I was about to say something but I'd rather eat than be eaten so I swallowed my objections and forced down every bite.

There were times that I wanted to hurl but I couldn't because it would put me in a tighter situation.

After everything, I was about to leave with the plates when he told me to rest on his bed again.

"but sire, I would like to go back to the slave quarters now" I whispered.

"are you defying my orders?"

"I didn't mean to but since I feel better now, I wanted to be with my loved ones. Please sire. I really am ok"

Honestly my entire body burned not being near my 'sisters' for so long.

He was silent for a while before surprisingly granting my request.

"thank you sire" I smiled, cleared the dishes and went away.


Time flew by after that day, though the king still drinks from me and gives me a day off if he's feeling generous but it doesn't happen often.

Though it was like I challenged him the day he told me to relax so I've been extra careful.

He hasn't changed how he drinks from me though and I have the fang marks to prove it.

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