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King Cyrus' POV:

I sat outside gazing at the stars.

After all, I had no one to talk to, no one who understands me.

How was I going to find her?

She could be anywhere!

Beating an explanation out of Sam wasn't going to take us anywhere.

The feeling of hopelessness washed over me like I was back in the castle…when she first left me.

I was so close to tears again.

"excuse me-" someone called my attention and I turned to face them.

It was a woman but I had never seen her before; she had dark hair and a lot of tattoo's everywhere.

She was also dressed traditionally.

"who are you? What do you want? I'm not in the mood for anything irrelevant!" all I wanted was to be alone.

"believe it or not I'm here to help you. My name is Darya and I'm the one that teaches Lyra magic" she said.

I had heard about her living in caves not far from here and she's great with magic but never really met her before.

"oh! I'm-"

"I know who you are. King Cyrus, ruler of Redlake; you've also fallen for Lyra and would do anything to save her" there was a little smirk playing on her face.

"don't push your luck witch" a small growl escaped me.

"is that how you're going to talk to the person who's going to help you retrieve your lost love? That's pitiful" she turned around to leave.

All she wants is for me to beg but it's not like I have much choice.

"wait…I'm sorry; what's your plan?" the words came out with such difficulty.

"we're putting a small squad to go rescue her from Bloodlake, I know you're interested so meet us at the throne room" then she turned away but not before reassuring me we would get her back.

Lyra's POV:

"you're being foolish! All you have to do is let me take control! All this will end!" the demonic version of mother tried convincing me.

"NO! what do you think will happen if you listen to her? Hellen will kill you!"

"you're dead either ways but the difference is I'm not too blind to see that! If you take control we won't even have a small chance of escaping…but if I do-"

"CAN YOU BOTH SHUT IT?!" I yelled and both of them turned to look at me.

"this isn't exactly easy for me either! I'm the one that's getting tortured!"

"and you're not being wise enough to open your eyes to the possibilities. I don't think this place can hold me; especially now that Hellen has made me more than angry!"

"if you weren't paying attention, she's studied about our kind for years so she will definitely have something up her sleeve, we need to be smart about this"

The demon placed her arm over my shoulder and whispered into my ears.

"you're a smart girl Lyra, do what's right"

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