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It's been a week since that faithful night and his feeding sessions have gotten even worse.

Every night he comes up with one new way or another to make sure I shed tears.

And I'm not the only one who's going through hell.

Prince Xander is sucking the life out of Eri.

No matter what she does, he:ll look for a way to punish her.

Every night she comes back with a new mark and she's becoming skin and bones.

We both were.

Nadia was the only one who wasn't having a tough time but seeing us that way isn't exactly making her happy.

We can't keep living like this.

At this rate me and Eri are going to die and Nadia is most likely going to go insane or get herself killed.

There has to be an alternative.

We were all gathered outside in the courtyard.

Ms. Melody wanted to address us on the guest we were about to have.

"as you all know we will be receiving a guest today. She is the king's future bride to be and we are all going to treat her with respect. She will be staying her as long as she sees fit so she's basically going to be a royal. Now I must warn you; Lady Hellen isn't known for being forgiving or merciful. It's not in her nature so try your possible best not to upset her because you'll land up in the dungeons. She has also requested for a personal slave and-"

Out of the blues I heard Sam walking towards us.

His footsteps were loud so I guess everyone else noticed it too...

Even Ms. Melody.

"seeing our latecomer, he will be her personal slave. So wait behind. Also, all personal slaves are off duty until Lady Hellen arrives. Dismissed" and everyone went back to their duties.

I actually felt sorry for him.

If there's one thing Sam was scared of, it was being a personal slave and worse of all, he was given to the Lady indefinitely.

But I guess he's off duty as well.

Me, Nadia and Eri went back to our rooms without uttering a word to each other.

I guess we were too tired and Nadia too scared for us.

"what do you think we should do now?" Eri sat on her bed quietly.

"I think it's better if we all rest. We don't know when the Lady would be here so we need our energy"

Without arguing, we all climbed our beds and went to sleep....

I was in the void again.

The hooded lady wants to speak to me.

"I can sense your distress young Lyra and I know what the problem is" she stood by my side.

I nearly broke down to tears.

"I know I barely ask you for advice but I really need your help. My friends and I are suffering and we're most likely going to die soon. We have to find a way to escape this nightmare. Please help us"

She was silent for a while and I was desperate for an answer.

"I can only come to one conclusion"...

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