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(Bogdana Kadritskaya) Elaka in the media:
"mother? I-is it really you?" my entire body was shaking as we stood staring at each other.

"Lyra" she called my name and opened her arms wide.

I found myself running to her as tears rolled down my cheeks.

She held me close while stroking my hair as we slowly sat on the floor.

"I thought I would never have the chance to see you at all" I buried my face deeper and deeper into her cloak.

"I'm here's ok, you're not alone anymore" she held my chin and made me look at her.

Turns out she was crying as well.

"you've grown so much and I'm so proud of you. I know it's hard but you can't give up; you'll learn everything just as I did and whenever you need to talk, I'll be right here"

"thank you mother but...where exactly is this place? It's always white and empty" I asked looking around at the void in utter confusion.

"well you've been here before...twice actually but I didn't want to reveal it to you until you were ready" she stood, taking a few steps back and put her hands together.

With one sigh, the void began to fill with color and vanish like a fog.

We were in my mother's resting place; where she was buried.

"your spiritual connection is at its peak here and I can easily talk to you"

"but I don't know how to get here. How can I-"

"like all things; you'll's in your blood my love but you've not accepted the fact that you're my daughter"

"that's not true-"

"I can tell when you're lying or not Lyra. The only way for you to excel is to accept this is who you are and nothing is going to change that"

She did have a point.

I was still in shock and thought I was a normal girl but that's not possible anymore.

"our time is up...we'll see each other soon..."

I opened my eyes and felt that my cheeks were wet.


I sat up and placed my hand on the crystal hanging around my neck.


"what's going on?" I asked Eri as I walked into the arena and saw Sam looking a bit down.

"well Rayhan and Tamar said he's almost unteachable and isn't adjusting, Imogen is going through the same thing with him as well"

"someone looks ready to train" I turned around to find Jackie standing behind me.

"Jackie? Where have you been? It's been ages" I gave her a hug.

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