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King Cyrus' POV:

It was her idea to gaze up at the stars for the evening, I on the other hand wanted to go back to the castle but since we would have more privacy here, I agreed.

Staying outside has never been…in my favor because I'm always outside for a serious reason.

Never really had time for run.

Never have and probably never will.

"and that one looks like a bunny; see the fluffy tail?" I broke out of my train of thoughts to see where she pointed.

"you're right" It took me quite a while for me to connect the dots and see what was required of me.

"it's been quite a while since I had done this. When I was younger; me-maw and I would do this almost every night" she spoke suddenly, not giving the awkward silence a chance to set in.

"you seemed to have enjoyed your childhood" it seemed like everyone did except me and my brothers.

"well it wasn't so hard; we only tried not to starve to death and avoid being captured by vampires-" her hand slapped across her mouth as she realized what she had just said.

"I'm so sorry I didn't mean that; I just-" she sat up and began apologizing.

It didn't really matter because it was true though it was in the past.

Humans did have every right to fear the mystic after everything they've gone through.

"no it's alright; what's done is done" I laughed nervously, sitting up as well before speaking again.

"at least you got to play around when you were younger; all I've ever known are responsibilities and hard work"

If only it was that easily or if it happened that easily.

How it should have been.

"well at least after all the work your father would make time to play with you or something like that" she smiled hopefully.

"actually, when he was done teaching me, he would shut himself away in his room and barely spoke to any of his children" there wasn't an ounce of emotion when I spoke.

"well your mother must have shown you quite some love before-" she cut herself off not knowing how to structure her next sentence so she cleared her throat.

I knew what she wanted to say though.

Lyra doesn't mean any harm by her words but she still tried to be nice about it.

"she only fulfilled her duties to my father and made us; other than that, all she wanted was power. She never loved him or any of us for that matter but my father did love her. There were times that she would leave us to starve or fend for ourselves"

My childhood is something I would wipe out from history and wouldn't want to re-live it no matter the price attached.

I dare to say, growing up is one of my biggest regrets.

A part of me wished I had died as a child.

"y-you've never had someone to love you?" her voice was slightly shaky.

No matter how hard I try to run from it and hide it there's no denying that fact.

Not everyone is lucky when it comes to love.

Some are lucky to get it from a partner and family; others get it from a partner or vice-versa but people like me…will never really know what it feels like.

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