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It was a new day with the same old routine I had been trying to commit to for the past week.

I would start the day with breakfast, then move to take flying lessons from Cyrus, feel like a failure and to cheer myself up; learning to use my sixth senses then magic and finally sparing.

Though it might not go in this order everyday but it's still the same routine.

So far the sparing and magic classes have been going great.

Today I fought against King Javan.

He doesn't exactly fight clean but I don't expect him to fight clean anyways.

The match usually ends after he shapeshifts from wolf to human and Darya always opens a gate to get him dressed.

Those two have been getting oddly closer with each other lately but I choose not to overthink it; mostly because I have bigger things to worry about.

Jackie said she wanted to teach me something before we go on a break.

"so what's this special move you so desperately want to teach me?" I took my place on the arena, facing her.

"would you be able to fight without your sight?"

The question was so sudden and it came out of nowhere stunning everyone.

"w-what do you mean-"

"I've noticed you rely on your sense of sight too much! Hellen will obviously not give you a fair fight and would want to use any means necessary. You need to be prepared. I'll teach you how I fight"

"but you have spacial awareness" I said cockily with a grin and a cocked brow.

"and you have more powers and all of us combined. Seems fair enough; now stop being a baby and cover your eyes"

Using a piece of cloth to cover my eyes, I waited patiently for Jackie's instruction.

I could feel my heart pounding as the seconds turned to minutes.

"when your sight isn't available, your next best guess would be your hearing. You have the highest sense of hearing considering your background but you don't pay enough attention to it"

There was silence; it was so much that it became uncomfortable.

"surrender everything to your hearing it should be easy for-" as she spoke I could barely hear her.

She was becoming more inaudible and I couldn't so much as hear her footsteps anymore.

Being in such situation gave me a sense of danger and my hearing was at an all-time high.

Suddenly, I could feel the vibration and my ears picked up the faintest sound coming from behind me.

I moved to left, allowing whatever was attacking me to stumble forward.

It was only then that I took off the blind fold and saw that I had dodged Jackie's attack.

"see? That wasn't so hard was it?" she laughed.

"I'm feeling pretty worn out; we should all take a break"

"where is Imogen?" Cyrus asked suddenly.

He had gotten accustomed to dressing in the clothes of the Noieans and he looks nice in them.

"she's been training the recruits while Rayhan has been sweeping Eri off her feet" Tamar rolled his eyes.

"isn't that meant to be your job?" I laughed, existing the arena and approached where everyone sat.

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