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I had no idea where I was.

Everything around me was pure white.

It looked like an endless void.

"hello? Is there anyone there?" I yelled.

But there was no answer.

Maybe it's a weird dream.

I tried walking around but stopped dead in my tracks when I noticed a figure in the distance.

It looked like it was a woman.

She seemed to be significantly tall.

Due to the distance, reading her facial features were going to be a problem for me.

"who are you?" I asked.

She didn't respond so I tried walking towards her.

The mysterious lady didn't flinch or make any attempt to move or run away.

I was getting closer before I heard my name in a distance.

It sounded like my friends.

Before I could look back the lady was gone!

"she's waking up" someone's said.

My head was seriously hurting.

What had happened?

Where am I?

It took a while for my hazy vision to clear out but I was in my room.

"Lyra? H-how do you feel?" it was Nadia.

"fine, I guess. What happened?" my throat was beyond dry.

It felt like there was a desert in my throat and it hurt badly.

Fortunately; Nadia handed me a glass of water and I gulped everything down in a matter of seconds.

"thank you" I managed to say.

My neck and other parts of my body was hurting so badly, it felt impossible to move them.

"w-where is she?" my voice was rough.

I still didn't want to miss the moment when Nadia will see Eri.

"if you're asking about Eri, I've seen her. She was the one that brought you to me. Though she had to leave and attend to the prince" Nadia helped me sit up.

"you've been passed out for a few hours"

"well I guess trying to communicate with someone I couldn't see was a bit difficult and draining" I nervously laughed.

"what do you mean?"

"I saw a woman in my dream. I couldn't see her face but from the little I could make up about her, she's really tall. Other than that...nothing"

"maybe it's a one-time dream or something. You might not see it after tomorrow. Besides you shouldn't worry about that"

"yeah, I have work to do" I tried to get off the bed but felt too dizzy and immediately collapsed back on the bed.

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