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"t-this is amazing" I smiled at myself.

After so long, I could finally use my sixth sense as I pleased.

When I tried the first time, I wasn't able to use it for quite long but now I'm able to go in and out, as long as the place is quiet.

Though I'm not able to fly yet, I can move faster than normal and also be more precise.

At least I've accomplished something; after three months of training but it still isn:t enough.

As for magic and sparing, I'm doing just fine but I seriously need to learn how to fly with or without my sixth sense.

"Lyra focus" Rayhan threw a blade at me and the handle hit the side of my head causing me serious pain.

"sorry" he said nervously as Eri smacked the back of this head.

Today's training was going to be harder than usual.

Imogen suggested I step up the difficulty so I was going to fight Sam, Jackie, Eri and Tamar while blindfolded.

When I was told about this, it was overwhelming because I've only fought one person at a time while being blindfolded.

And though I was getting better every day but four people at once just seemed too unfair even for me.

The most I've done is two people and my eyes were open but this was just insane.

A part of me wonders if my mother ever trained this hard.

"are you ready?" Tamar asked, tossing my blindfold which I caught with ease.

I looked down at the cloth in my hands before taking a deep breath and tying it around my eyes.

"I'm ready" my voice was shaky.

The sound of footsteps had died down and one would think that they were alone but I knew better than that.

How they manage to be that silent is beyond me.

I always hated fighting with a blindfold because it would become too quiet and I would be left with my thoughts.

Out of nowhere, my ears picked the faintest whooshing from my right where I last saw Eri standing.

My hands moved fast enough to draw a shield and I felt the vibration when her sword came in contact with the shield.

Then from behind someone was running towards me; I could tell it was Sam since he's really terrible at being stealthy.

Without wasting time, I used my whips to go around his ankle and threw him in Tamar's direction.

Then some advances were made from in front but I was lucky enough to take steps back and my attacker missed.

I soon regretted my actions as I felt someone punch my back and there was another quick hit to my head and it made me disoriented.

"you're slipping Lyra" a voice said and someone gave me an upper-cut while I was trying to focus on the voice.

The taste of my own blood met my tongue and I was becoming more and more tired.

They didn't stop for even a second, using the slightest opportunity or fining a loophole or weak spot to attack.

I was barely able to dodge them all and there were injuries on my skin.

Panic washed over me and the traumatic experience of me being in that cell came back.

I began to pant as beads of sweat began dripping from my forehead while I had luckily dodged Sam's kick.

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