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Seconds passed, turning to minutes and nothing happened.

I was no longer falling.

Was I dead?

Did Cyrus catch me?

Shyly I opened my eyes to see what awaits me and what caused the sudden pause.

I was under the canopy of trees that one thing but I wasn't fully on the ground yet.

Cyrus was in front of me with a shocked look on his face.

"what?" I looked behind me and a gasp left my mouth.

My wings!

After trying for so long; they were finally out.

I let myself gently sit on the grass.

They were the reasons why my back always hurt; because they were trying to tear through my skin.

Though it hurts currently but I'll be alright.

"they look just as beautiful as their owner" Cyrus smiled, squatting to my level and I couldn't help but blush slightly.

They were big enough to wrap around me and act like a shield but not all that big.

As for the color, mother said it was coated with my aura so they were purple but a lighter shade and the feathers were huge at the tips.

"I never thought I would ever be able to see them" I couldn't stop smiling.

"are you ready to give them a try?" Cyrus stood and extended his hand to me.

My back was still hurting but it was endurable and with that, I took his hands and stood on my feet.

"your wings partially have a mind of their own and you have to control them. Relax, feel the breeze around you. Let them stretch themselves out" he stood in front of me, giving me some demonstrations.

I watch his wings stretch till the very end and though they were black, they were still quite beautiful.

Taking a deep breath, I followed his instructions and stretched my wings, feeling the wind against my feathers.

It felt nice and refreshing; almost making me forget about my back pain.

"now try to flap them so you can lift yourself off the ground, you don't have to do it so hard, just hover" I watched as his wings began moving back and forth, causing him to leave the ground.

"let me help you" he extended his hand again, but this time he was above me, so I had to hover to his level.

Reluctantly, I let my small hands dissolve into his huge ones.

It was painful for my wings to move from the base because of the wounds but I slowly willed them to move.

My feet were no longer touching the grass anymore and I began to ascend.

"good" he smiled, slightly squeezing my hands, never taking his eyes off mine.

I hadn't noticed on time but we were slowly going higher and we were above the canopy.

"now, try to push your body towards were you want to fly to; lean right, fly right" he let go of my hands and I would be lying if I said I didn't miss his touch.

Following his instructions, I gently pushed myself from side to side.

This is honestly easier than I thought.

"should we go for a fly? A really fast one?" he grinned impishly and my lips twisted into a smirk.

"why not?" he looked like he wanted to say something but then he vanished, then I noticed he flew really fast up into the skies and vanished amongst the clouds.

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