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I took the queens advice and went to the bath house

When I opened the doors of the bath or bath house and looked around with shock.

It was very spacious and huge with a huge section of water with fountains on the edge with water flowing down into the bath.

The temperature was warm and there was steam everywhere.

I took off my clothes, kept them behind the fountain and entered the bath, letting out a sigh of relief.

I sunk in, all the way to my shoulders and began moving further away from the doors.

My day was ruined to an extent.

The news of me being a witch was good but the fact that me and Nadia weren't actually sisters was bad.

A part of me felt like she knew about this all but didn't want to tell me.

Plus, I had to start learning magic as soon as possible; how would that work?

The thought of magic or anything of that sort never crossed my mind at all!

I dove lower and lower into the bath till my head was barely above the water.

The sound of the doors opening and closing but paid no mind to it.

Maybe it was Lyra or Sam or someone else looking for me.

I didn't bring my head to the surface till I heard someone enter the bath as well.

My eyes met with Rayhan's immediately and my face turned red.

"what are YOU doing here?" I made sure not to come up above my shoulders.

"ME?! What are YOU doing here?"

"I got here FIRST!"

My eyes slowly began to travel around his body.

Rayhan's lower body was in the water and was thankful I couldn't see anything else.

There were few droplets of water around his rock hard abs and it was making it difficult to concentrate.

"if you keep looking at me like that, I'll have no choice to look at you that way as well" he wiggled his eyebrows and I snapped out of my day dreams.

The thought of leaving came to mind but he would see me get dressed as well.

So I was trapped for now.

We stayed in silence for a while not knowing what to say to each other.

We have been talking but it's still awkward for both of us; we weren't even near each other.

"what a way to start the day" he said, untied his hair and brown, curly locks rolled down to his shoulders.

"w-what do you mean?" his morning was particularly good.

"well I mean Lyra finding out she's the last living Khamatu and all the pressure and responsibility she has to bare"

Well he was right.

When the queen told or should I say announced Lyra as the next Khamatu, there was a look of confusion and horror on her face.

She even passed out but I guess we were both having a rough day.

"yeah, she's the Khamatu and I'm a descendant of the Monroe or should I say I'm a witch of snow"

Whatever that meant.

Rayhan looked at me with shock.

"seriously?" he sounded a bit astonished.

"yes…any problem?" I rose a brow.

"n-none at all" I tore my gaze away from him and looked down at the water.

We sat in silence again before he spoke again.

"I know I've never asked you this but how did you get all those scars?" he inched closer to me.

Memories of everything I endured from the prince hit me like a slap on my face.

It's not something I'd like to remember and if I had my way, I would wipe them out.

"I was a slave for the youngest vampire prince. He's short tempered and was always looking for a fault to drink from me or have me whipped. If I was lucky, I would only get slapped" my throat felt dry as I recalled everything he did to me.

"I'm so sorry…I didn't know" he placed his hands on my shoulders.

"can I have a look at them?" Rayhan's voice was small and I let him.

I turned my back to him and came out of the water and let my waist down be hidden.

Rayhan gently used his finger to trace the whip lashes and fang marks starting from my neck.

As he trailed down my lower back, I didn't let the sensation get to my head too much.

He studied them with all seriousness.

Some were thicker than others.

My back was designed with whip marks and my neck, wrists, waist and ankles had fang marks.

"I guess this makes us similar" I could tell he was smiling.

"what do you mean?" I still didn't turn to face him.

"we both have scars on our backs but I'm proud of mine"

Rayhan had explained to me that his scars were from all his battles and serious fights and he wears them with pride and honor.

"well mine is all the torture and suffering I've gone through" I closed my eyes and forced the tears away.

"but they also mean you're strong" he turned me around before I could object.

"urmm R-Rayhan I don't want you l-looking-" he closed the gap between us, his eyes never leaving mine.

I could feel his hard chest against my breasts and my cheeks became brighter.

Something else bugged me from his lower region and I tried to pay no mind to it.

"listen, these scars show all the pain and nightmares you've gone through and you're still here smiling. It's your symbol of strength; wear it with pride"

I raised my hand and placed one on his solid face which he eventually leaned into.

It was so hard to believe that he has never been with one girl for too long.

So hard to believe and yet not so hard to believe.

He was leaning closer and closer until I splashed him some water on his face and swimming away.

"you're gonna pay for that!" he swam after me ducking a few times and eventually caught up to me.

At that point both of our hairs were soaking wet and we couldn't help but laugh.

Rayhan made me feel safe and wanted by someone who wasn't a girl or related to me.

He came closer and hugged me tightly.

"I promise; no harm shall come your way while I'm here. No will ever hurt you again"

My body was tense at first but after hearing his words, I relaxed and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"thank you Rayhan"

He detached before placing both his huge hands on either sides of my cheeks and slowly leaned in and kissed me.

Amongst every part of his body that I've felt, his lips are by far the softest.

The kiss wasn't forceful at all and it was so tender and smooth.

I placed both my hands on his shoulders to try and steady myself since I had never done this before.

His lips caressed mine in a slow and calm rhythm and I couldn't get enough of him.

This was the first time I've ever kissed someone and I'm glad he's the one

The first and only one….


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