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WARNING: this chapter contains graphic scenes of violence. Kindly skip (but not without voting) if sensitive to such...
Third Person's POV:

It was like nothing anyone had seen before.

Lyra had finally used her demonic sixth sense to fight the poison injected into her system…which was meant to kill her.

Everything went according to Hellen's plan after so long she had found a way to force Lyra to use her sixth sense; her demonic sixth sense for that matter.

Gone were her blue eyes; in their place were two black orbs that were like an endless void.

Her already brown hair became darker than usual and she let out an animalistic roar that shook the entire kingdom.

"this is incredible; will the chains be able to hold her?" Hellen turned to the witch who was lost in awe.

Lyra began trashing about trying to break her chains and it made the entire room shake.

She was pulling with everything she had but it still wasn't enough.

Everyone thought it was over when she suddenly stopped but couldn't be more wrong.

The sounds of her inhaling and exhaling filled the room.

Everyone watched in anticipation, wondering what she would do next.

Her eyes opened and she let out a roar louder than before, Lyra's body began to tremble as wings emerged from behind her.

The wings were big and black; they had the same structure as that of a bat.

"they're beautiful; I want them" Hellen said maliciously, looking Lyra dead in the eyes.

This was what she wanted all along, this is what she has been trying to achieve.

Her wings began to move as she readied herself to take off and try to fly out of the small cell.

"we have to do something or she'll break out and we'll get crushed" the witched pleaded.

Lyra's wings were creating winds that were so strong that it was becoming difficult for them to hold their ground.

"I think it's time she takes a nap for a while because when she wakes up, she'll need this energy" there was a wicked grin playing on Hellen's lips.

The chains were going to break at any moment so the guards had to be quick with the tranquilizers.

"she's moving too fast, I can't get a clear shot" one of them complained, using his arm to shield his eyes.

"I don't care where she gets shot! Just make her go to sleep" Hellen snapped back and the guards acted on command.

The first dart was shot but it was like a bee sting on a bull; it riled her up even more without affecting her.

They shot 7 more at her and the room was filled with howls of pain and her movement stopped and she fell to the ground.


When Lyra woke up, she was still using her demonic sixth sense.

Memories of everything that had happened a few hours ago hit her like a slap on the face.

She wanted to thrash about but her body was far too weak for all that.

It was only after calming down did she notice that she wasn't alone at all.

Everyone was there patiently waiting for her to wake up and continue or rather finish the rest of her never ending nightmare.

"you have no idea how beautiful your wings…I mean my wings to be look. They're everything I could ever ask for" Hellen moved closer and enjoyed the feel of the wings beneath her fingers.

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