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Lyra's POV:

"death has always been a mystery to all creatures. To some it enchants, to others is a cause for fear and to the remaining few, it entails beauty. Death is depicted as a lone rider who is out to destroy. But death can also be seen as a beautiful maiden in her prime. As beautiful as the moon lit sky with stars to compliment her gestures. She comes at the fairest hours, in peaceful times, in havoc and whenever she pleases. She can be cunning at times when having a direct conversation with her closest friend 'life' enchanting one with her beauty and luring one into the comfort of her arms. Who would resist a maiden so beautiful and assuring when life has pushed you to a breaking point? The end of the line and over the edge. Now I wonder to myself if she will remain a mystery to me; to all of us who fought and lived after crossing paths with her. We've suffered heavy losses. Our friends, our brothers, our family to the cruel fate of battle but their deaths aren't in vain! Today, we have come out victorious. I know there are still somethings to work out but I shall do my best to straighten them" I sat and bowed my head.

Behind me stood an elderly man who held a beautiful crown.

The crown fit for the Khamatu.

It was my mothers' before me.

"all hail Lyra, the Khamatu" and everyone cheered.

After everything I've done; this was the least the people could do.

The demons had been forcefully relocated to their own world.

The demon king named their new world after his fiancée...Hell.

Everyone was taking a sigh of relief and my coronation was like no other.

The people really went all out.

Everyone was having a good time and enjoying themselves.

Everyone except Jackie, she was trying her best but anyone with eyes could see that she was upset.

It's been three months since the whole war had happened.

She was still trying to come to grips with his death and how she was going to take care of her child.

Yes, she fought with a child in her womb.

After forcefully admitting she was pregnant, Darya had to help heal her so the child won't die.

It was miraculous that they both survived.

She had spending time on the bridge of souls just to see him again.

She would cry her eyes out wishing it wouldn't end that way.

I had spoken to her on the bridge and try to comfort ourselves.

"you can't keep coming her forever. Do you think he would want you to keep coming here? I know it hurts; his death shook us all but you'll have to let go. Just try and be happy" I knew nothing I said would make her feel better but Sam wouldn't want her to mope like this.

"do it for him…please?" I gently nudged her and she nodded.

She was trying to talk to as many people as she could at the dinner party.

"you're lost in thought again" Cyrus gently nudged me and I laughed partially.

He was doing alright though he wasn't 100% alright but he was getting better.

"how's the arm doing?" worry spread across my face like a reaction.

"it's doing pretty well; thanks for asking"

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