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King Cyrus' POV:

"you can't be serious my king; think about the state of your nation" one council member begged.

"last I checked, I'm the king and my decision is final"

The council members were quiet.

I had just called off the wedding between me and Hellen and her uncle wasn't happy about it.

The fact that I kept on pushing away the inevitable became tiring do I canceled the wedding all together.

Seeing that there was no need for me to stay, I got up and left to my chambers.

Everyone in the castle has been happy in one way or another; even Alex seemed a bit more cheerful when his slave was brought back.

Xander has always been the same heartless beast as always.

But me on the other hand; well now I'm just existing.

My beard was full and un-kept same goes for my hair; I didn't bother shaving or reducing it.

Melody comes in to try and cheer me up every now and then with my meals but it's not working.

I've come to accept the fact that Lyra was the first and only person I cared about and I was a fool for driving her away.

"there you are Cyrus honey" Hellen hugged me as I opened the doors to my room.

This really isn't a great time to be acting clingy.

"how was the council meeting and preparations for your wedding?"

I didn't say anything.

"oh! You want to surprise me huh? Well I can't wait to see what you'll do"

Ignoring her, I walked to the window and stared out to the lands expecting anything at all.

"speaking of which; when's our wedding date? How soon can it be? Can't you just stop postponing the date?"

Her voice was really starting to irritate me but not even a word out of me.

"Cyrus? Is something wrong? You've been giving me the cold shoulder and even going as far as refusing to lay with me. It's been weeks!"

She had a point.

I refused to share a bed with her for a while mostly because guilt was eating me from the inside out.

She wasn't the one no matter how hard I tried to convince myself that I could manage her.

It didn't work.

Even our sex felt off.

"I know you want me" she hugged me from behind though I still didn't glance at her.

"thank goodness those slaves ran away; now I could have you all to myself without any distractions"

She saw starting to get on my nerves.

"especially that slave of yours. She made me feel like you wanted her more than you want me but it's all good, she's probably dead"


I turned around with speed and looked her in the eye.

"the wedding has been called off"

"w-what? By who?!" she spoke like she could do anything about it.


"w-why? Was it because of what I said?"

Partially but I didn't say that out loud.

"no, but I don't want to marry you end of story"

"b-but we were in love?" her voice was shaky and she sounded like she wanted to cry.

"you never loved me; you just wanted to be queen or you think I didn't know? Now that there's nothing for you to do here kindly leave"

"b-but Cyrus honey-"

"don't call me that!" I growled.

I grabbed her arm and dragged her out of my room.

"get your things and leave the castle by dusk. There's no need for you here" I slammed the doors as she was about to say something.

Now I can think in peace.

Lyra made her way back to my mind again.

I sat on the dining table all alone with my head in my hands; what had I done to myself?

The only way I could get her out of my mind was by working and that's what I've been doing most of the time.

But for how long will I do this?

How long will I need a distraction or a substitution?

How long can I live without her?

The very thought of not seeing her again made me want to cry.

Melody walked in at the right time.

"I've brought your dinner your majesty" she said quietly and placed it on the table.

"thank you" my voice was hoarse and I knew Melody felt sorry for me, but who wouldn't?


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