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"she looks awful" Sam poked my check with the end of his spoon.

"Being the King's personal slave for like a week isn't something anyone would classify as easy" I wanted to bite back but gracefully held my tongue.

"lay off Sam. It's not easy working for...y'know" Nadia came to my rescue.

Almost every night I live in constant fear of him drinking from me.

So far, it's only happened twice but I don't pray for it to happen again.

"sorry. I hope this makes you feel better" he pulled out a white rose from his pockets.

I'm surprised the petals didn't ruffle in there.

"I wanted to give it to you yesterday but'there wasn't time" he rubbed the back of his neck nervously.

"thank you" I said weakly and took it from him with a small smile and gently placed it in my pocket.

"hey when am I going to get a rose?" Nadia huffed.

"ALRIGHT! EVERYONE GET TO WORK!" a guard yelled and we slave got up to continue another incredible tiring day.

These days, I don't even feel like the food enters my stomach but I forcefully eat so I won't die.

"definitely not today" Sam laughed and went to the garden.

I went through the same thing for the past week.

Nadia and I walk to the kitchen together, take breakfast trays, say our goodbyes and face our worst nightmare.

When I'd gotten to the king's room, there wasn't anyone there so I'm guessing he stepped out for a while.

I placed his food on the dining and waited for like ten minutes.

A sigh escaped my lips and my mind drifted back to the rose Sam had given to me.

"It wouldn't hurt to look at the pretty thing before" I said to myself and brought it out of my pockets and admired it.

I could slightly feel all the tension and stress going away.

The fresh feeling of being reborn was onto me.

My fingers gently played with the petals while I swirled around the room.

My skirt would twirl whenever I did.

Unconsciously, I began humming the little tune that me-maw would sing to me when I was littler.

It was almost like she was here with me.

It felt like me-maw was the rose and I pulled it close to my chest like I saw hugging someone special.

Just then there was a knock on the door.

I quickly tucked the rose away and went

"Ms. Melody c-can I help you?" I tried to sound as sweet as I possibly could.

"yes dear. We have some new servants and one of them is missing. I know you're meant to be serving the king but seeing that he's not around, could you come help me?"

"don't you think the king would get angry if I leave?" I don't intend on getting into trouble with anyone talk more of the king.

"I know you mean well but I'm sure the king will understand" it almost sounded like she was begging.

"yeah, sure" not like I could say no.

I quickly followed her into the halls and shut the door behind me.

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