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King Cyrus' POV:

Watching everyone troop into Lyra's room with smiles on their faces made me feel sorry for myself more than I already was.

There was nothing I ever did that was good enough.

Nothing I could do to convince her I'm not the monster she thinks I am.

But there's no way that's going to happen, at least not easily.

The ceiling of my room captivated me since I was thinking so hard and couldn't sleep…that's when I heard a scream.

My body immediately went on auto-pilot to the source; to Lyra's bedroom.

She has night terrors every now and then and wakes up screaming or crying.

When I got there, she was sitting upright and sweaty with tears in her eyes.

Her eyes wide in horror and fear.

"shhh, it's alright" I cooed, moving closer but as my hand touched hers she moved away as usual.

"d-don't touch me" she whispered and a small sigh left me.

"it was just a nightmare, go back to sleep" I tried to smile and lay her back to sleep but she didn't let me.

"no; you're the m-monster of my nightmare" my heart felt like it was being ripped to pieces.

Her words were like acid against my skin.


"y-you've always tormented me. Trying to make me go b-back to the castle s-so you can kill m-me once a-and for all"

"why are you being like this? I've tried my best to change your mind and show you I've changed but you won't listen" frustration began to set in.

"w-wh-when I begged you t-to stop did you? N-no matter h-how many times a snake sheds i-it's skin; it's still a snake" she spat venomously.

Honestly, I couldn't take it anymore; she wasn't willing to forgive me no matter how hard I tried, it wasn't good enough.

Seeing as she isn't willing to forgive me then there's no use of me staying.

"Lyra are you alright? Oh Cyrus; I didn't know you were here already" Jackie walked in with a surprised look on her face.

"I was just leaving" I said through my teeth and walked back to my room.

Well I have to go back to my kingdom and live my life though it won't be the same without her...

Lyra's POV:

"your speech has improved greatly" Jackie smiled at me.

It was mid-day, Jackie wanted to spend some time with me while she was on her day off.

Everything has been quite…hectic.

Darya and Eri have been giving me especial elixir that boosting me up and I feel better every day.

Though the crystal is still weak, it's better than how it was and most of the effects of the poison has worn off.

Memories of everything that had happened haunts me every now and then but I'm glad I have such loving friends around me.

People that truly care.

Me and Sam are trying to go back to how we were before all this happened.

I go as far as asking him about his sister and what kind of person she was.

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