Chapter 1 - He was perfect

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•June 1995•
"Come on Cara! We're going to be late for the bus!" 9 year old Kevin yelled
"Okay! Don't get your panties in a twist!" Cara yelled as she ran out the door
•September 2000•
"We're in high school! Like how!" Kevin said as he got onto the bus full of teenagers
"Well you see Kevin when people have birthdays it means-" Cara explained as Kevin cuts her off
"I literally get how! I'm not that stupid!" Kevin argued
"Hmm? Beg to differ" Cara added as Kevin playfully hit her shoulder
•June 2004•
"And I know present to you! The class of 2004!" The headmaster announced
Everyone throws their caps in the air and cheers, after the ceremony Cara finds Kevin
"Hey! Now we can move into that apartment we always talked about!" Kevin said enthusiastically
"Kev" Cara muttered
"And we can get a dog! And make sure the apartment is neat and tidy!" Kevin said
"Kevin!" Cara yelled
"Yeah?" He asked
"I got enrolled in the army, I leave next week" Cara explained as she fiddled with her hands
"Hey! What are you getting nervous for?! That's great Cara!" Kevin said as he picked Cara up into a big bear hug
"Promise you won't become a stranger?" Cara said, hopeful
"I promise" Kevin said as he smiled
•July 2013•
"And I think your being a bitch!" The commander yelled
"And I think your being an unreasonable dick! I get your the commander! But that doesn't mean you can treat woman like their nothing!" Cara yelled, with her fists clenched
"Get out of my sight hart!" He yelled
"With pleasure!" Cara yelled before dismissing herself
Cara walked over and started to pack up her things
"That was pretty bad ass" A man said, emerging from the corner of the room
"Yeah well he had it coming" Cara explained, swinging her bag onto her back
"I'm Scott Patterson" Scott said as he placed a welcoming hand out
"Cara Hart" Cara said taking his hand and shaking it
"Well I think I'll be seeing you around Hart" Scott said before walking out
He was perfect, Cara hadn't really had any feelings for anyone since starting the Army. However he was different, Scott was everything she was looking for in a man. He was kind and caring and gave off this vibe that Cara loved. Throughout the next few weeks Cara started to see a lot of him. He had invited her out one night
"You know, we're not allowed to date other soldiers" Cara explained as she linked arms with Scott
"Technically I'm not on your unit" Scott said with his body getting closer to Cara's
"Is that so?" Cara asked before Scott kissed her passionately
"I could get used to this" Scott said smiling
"As could I Patterson" Cara said before they started to walk again
*Cara's POV*
It's a month later and the day our deployment ends, I was going back to Chicago and I had no idea where Patterson was going. Clearly it was a summer romance that could never last. I was going back to Chicago to teach some classes at the Army academy. I was at the airport when I heard someone call my name.
"Scott?" I yelled
"I'm coming! I can't be without you!" Scott explained as he grabbed my wrist
"No Scott! You've got your own family to be with!" I said as he clutched onto my wrist tighter, digging his nails in one by one
"I said I'm coming!" He yelled
I knew this was the first warning sign but I hoped that it wasn't true, that he wasn't a bad man. I snapped out of my trance and simply smiled at him
"Of course you can come" I said, wincing from the pain
"Good girl" Scott whispered as he let go of my arm
He went to go put the bags up, I took a peek at my arm to see fingernails engraved into my wrist. I took a deep breath in before joining Scott. After a good 10 minutes of going through baggage, I was sat in the waiting room
"Let me guess your from Chicago?" A man asked
"How'd you know?" I asked as I laughed
"You seemed American and that's where the only American plane is going" The man replied
I smiled at him
"I'm Mark" Mark said as he smiled
"Cara" I said
"So what brings you to France Cara?" Mark asked as he settled back into his chair
"Work, I'm a Army solider" I explained as Scott walked over
"Who's this?!" He asked as he sat down next to me
"I'm mark, I was just trying to make conversation" Mark explains as I felt a hand brush onto my thigh
"Is that so? I bet Cara here enjoyed your little conversation!" Scott said as I felt his grip get tighter and tighter
"She was just telling me about work" Mark explained as I let out a gasp
"Woah you okay?" Mark asked
"She's fine! Aren't you darling?" Scott said, tightening his grip
"Yep, all good" I said as I adjusted my leg
This wasn't going to stop and I knew that...

•Authors Note•
Ahh I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of domestic! I can't wait for you all to read this book!
Thank you!

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