Chapter 23 - I refuse to let that little girl burry her mother

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"Afghanistan?" Hailey asked
"That's uhm" Jay added
"I need to go! It was a 2 year break! It wasn't my fault that everything bad has happened to me!" Cara explained
"What about Addy?" Hailey asked
"I was never ready to be a mom. As much as I hate saying this but Scott was the only reason I kept her. I can barley take care of myself" Cara admitted
"But Addy can't grow up in care, she needs her mom" Jay explained
"Well her mom sighed a contract when she was 18! I need to do 10 years before I can drop out, I've still got another 4 years left which have to be spent fighting, not teaching at the academy. Addy is never going to remember me" Cara stated
"How did Kevin take this?" Hailey asked
"How do you think he took it?!" Cara yelled
"Hey! We're only trying to help" Jay said
"I know! I just! It's hard! I just got back with Kev and I don't wanna leave!" Cara explained
"Tell him that, not us" Jay explained
It's the next morning and Cara has just gotten up along with Kevin
"Can we talk?" Cara asked
"About what?" Kevin asked
"Oh come on Kev, please?" Cara replied
"What?!" Kevin asked
"I know that nothing has gone right lately but I need to go back Kev. I can't be a mom to Addy and I can't be a girlfriend to you! I'm no good at any of that! I need to be away" Cara explained
"So your just going to abandon us?!" Kevin yelled
"Do you really think I want to leave! News flash Kev I don't! I don't wanna leave you because you were the only thing keeping me alive in France! I knew I would come home to you! And as for Addy I can't be a mom to her! Because every time I look at that little girl I am reminded of what he did to me! All the marks he made, all the things he smashed. I'm never going to be able to un see that!" Cara screamed
"Who gives a fuck Cara?! Because all that little girl is going to remember is growing up without a mom! She's going to grow up wondering why you left us! Why you didn't want her! Was she not good enough for you?!" Kevin yelled
"It's not like that" Cara muttered
"Like hell it isn't! And then what happens if you want to be a part of her life then you die in Afghanistan? Huh? What the hell am I supposed to do! I refuse to let that little girl burry her mother! But go! See what I care!" Kevin screamed
"Kev" Cara muttered
"No! Hopefully the universe will do me a favour and you will die in Afghanistan! Because I sure as hell don't need you!" Kevin yelled before walking away

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