Chapter 31 - An Alderman can pull strings

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It's a few weeks later and it's time to go to court to fight for custody of Addy. Emily is representing Cara and Jason is representing Kevin.
"All rise" A security guard yelled
"You may sit" The judge yelled
After introducing herself to the court, the judge starts with Cara's side.
"Thank you your honour, my client left Chicago when she was 18 years old to join the army. Miss Hart went 5 years without speaking to Mr Atwater. He never wrote her, nor spoke to her even though he knew where she was. However 2 years ago my client was sent home due to family issues. During those 2 years my client had a relationship with Mr Scott Patterson who, 3 weeks ago was sentenced to life in prison for abuse. This relationship resulted in the birth of Addy, my client knew it wasn't safe for her to stay with them so Mr Atwater agreed to watch Addy. Moving onto 4 months ago, my client got called back to Afghanistan. If you can turn your attention towards the screen at the front, you will see 4 letters written by my client for Mr Atwater. He never wrote her back claiming to be "busy with work" now who was taking care of Addy during these times, was he busy with work? Or busy with another hook up?" Emily stated
"Objection your honour!" Jason yelled
"Overruled!" The judge yelled
"Now if we look at this from the biological perspective, Mr Atwater dose not share any DNA with Addy. If something was to happen to my client Addy would go to Scott however she can't. Due to Miss harts job she has a Will in place, Addy would be left to a Miss Hailey Upton and a Mr Jay Halstead, Not Mr Atwater. That's all your honour" Emily stated as she sat down
"Thank you, Mr Montgomery?" The judge said as Jason stood up
"Your honour my client took Addy in when her mother clearly didn't want her. Miss Hart clearly picked her job over her daughter. She has no intention of raising her daughter. My client can raise a child, he has a support group whom can help raise this lovely little girl, what does Miss Hart have? An abusive ex husband in jail? Yes my client dose not share the same DNA as Addy but does that make her any less of his daughter, if you will take a look at Addys legal documents you will see that Addy also shares my clients last name" Jason stated as the judge interrupted him
"Addys full name is "Addy Rose Hart" nothing else" The judge stated as Cara smirked
"Are you sure?" Jason asked
"Clearly he doesn't have a strong case your honour" Emily said
"Why don't we take a 10 minute break, sort whatever this is out" The judge added as they all got up
"Switching the documents? Really?" Jason yelled
"I did nothing of the sort, check with legal. I'm sure they'll say the same as the documents" Emily smiled before walking off
"We're not done!" Jason yelled as he ran after her
"What the hell did do you?!" Kevin yelled
"Nothing" Cara laughed
"Come on Cara! Don't be pathetic" Kevin said
"Take a look in the mirror honey" Cara smiled
"You can't change her name! What'd you do? Sleep with one of them?!" Kevin yelled
"Not at all" Cara said bluntly
"Then what string did you pull?!" Kevin yelled
"I didn't pull any strings...But an Alderman can pull strings" Cara smirked as she walked off towards Casey
Casey smiled at Kevin before taking Cara's hand and walking out...

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