Chapter 30 - Getting Closer

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It's a few days later and Cara is at home when she gets a knock at her door. She opens it to reveal Jay
"What the hell are you doing?!" He yelled
"What?" Cara asked as Jay walked in
"You know he's going to win Cara! He's going to take her away from you either way! Just let him have her! Save money and your time!" Jay yelled
"Let's put this into a "Jay situation" you have a kid, a beautiful son. You love him with all your heart but your wife turns abusive and starts threatening you and your son. You can handle the slaps, the punches, the kicks but he can't. So you decide to give him a better home because you can't fucking leave your abusive home because you physically can't! Then Voight pulls you away for work and you get back to see your best friend is trying to take him away from you! What do you do? Let him?!" Cara yelled
"Well no but" Jay argued
"Exactly! I'm not letting addy go down without a fight!" Cara yelled
"Cara...Don't. Start a new life with Casey or something" Jay sighed
"Goodbye Jay" Cara said as she opened the door
"Cara" Jay muttered
"Goodbye Jay!" Cara yelled
Jay then walked out the door and Cara shut it, she then slid down the door. Her phone then lit up and she opened it to see a text from Casey
"Drinks @ 7?" The text read
"Perfect" Cara replied
After a few hours Cara has arrived at the bar Casey told her to go to. She sees him sitting at a table in the corner.
"Hey" He smiles
"Something strong?" He replied pointing at her drink
"You know me far too well" Cara laughed as she sat down
"How are you holding up?" Casey asked
"Well I just locked away my ex husband for life and now I'm taking my best friend to court for custody of my daughter, I'm doing okay" Cara explained as she laughed
"Well your a lot stronger than most people I know" Casey smiled
"I'm really not, but one thing" Cara asked
"What's up?" Casey asked
"If this is going to go anywhere just know that I'm pathetic. I do everything I can to mess up a relationship" Cara replied
"Well good thing I don't believe any of that, another round?" Casey asked as Cara smiled
"Go for it" She said
After a few hours Casey found himself looking at Cara's shoulder, Cara quickly caught on
"That's Scott's masterpiece" She laughed
"What?" Casey said, looking in the other direction
"The scar? He slashed me for coming home late from work" Cara said
"I didn't wanna be rude or anything" Casey added
"Don't worry about it" Cara smiled
After a while Casey had walked Cara home
"Well thank you for a fun night" Cara smiled
"Don't worry about it" Casey laughed
"Well I'll see you soon Mr Casey" Cara laughed as Casey leaned in
Casey then pulled her close into a passionate kiss, Cara then pulled away
"I'll see you Miss Hart" Casey smiled before walking off...

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