Chapter 15 - Lots of love - C

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The next morning Cara was woken up by a faint crying sound. She stood up and winced in pain from the actions of the night before. She picked up Addy and headed downstairs. She fed her and did everything she needed to do. After about an hour Addy had fallen back asleep. Scott then walked downstairs and sat next to Cara.
"What happened to your face?" He asked
Was he serious? He knew what happened last night but didn't wanna admit it
"Uhm nothing" Cara added
"How's the kid this morning?" Scott asked as he picked up Addy
"Careful!" Cara yelled
"Hey! What's the worse I could do to her?! Drop her?!" Scott said, imitating dropping Addy
"Just give her here!" Cara yelled as she took Addy back
"Jeez! What's up your ass?!" Scott yelled
Addy then started to cry and cara grabbed her bottle again
"Just leave her to cry! It'll toughen her up" Scott said as he picked up his paper
Cara just looked at her daughter
"When are you getting back to work? Moneys a little dry?" Scott explained
"I had a baby a few days ago and you want me to go back to work?" Cara asked as she placed Addy down
"Your the one who left France to come here! To work at the academy! You need to work Cara!" Scott yelled
"I didn't just leave France! And by hell you didn't have to follow me!" Cara yelled
"Your just petty! You needed me! But now everything's in my name! You'll be nothing if I leave. You and your little rat will be out on the streets begging people for money, how sad" Scott yelled
"Try me" Cara threatened
"Bitch!" Scott yelled as he gripped Cara's throat
*Caras POV*
He pinned me against the wall, lifting me up slightly. His nails dug into my neck leaving tiny red marks. He slapped me across the face, causing my face to jerk to the side. I glanced over at Addy who was fast watching the whole thing. Scott then punched me in the abdomen over and over again. The pain lay deep, I could feel it in the pit of my stomach. My hands were wrapped into fists, I wanted to fight back so badly. He then punched me over and over again in my face. Bursting my lip and nose, I felt the blood trickle from my nose to my mouth and the blood from my mouth roll down onto my shirt. He then lead me to the bathroom and started to fill up water in the sink
"Clean up that blood, I'm sick of looking at it" He spat as he wiped his bloody hands
I did what he told me too, like I always did.
"Why the hell are you taking so long?!" He yelled as he grabbed my hair and hit my head against the unit
He knew what he was doing, he didn't hit me hard enough to make me black out.
After a long day I finally worked up enough strength to load Addy into the car. She started crying as soon as we drove
"Shh it's okay. Mommy's going to take you somewhere safe. He's not going to hurt you anymore" I said as I let a tear fall from my eye
*Kevins POV*
It was a normal Saturday night, the game was on and I had a cold beer in my hand. I then heard a car pull up outside and my door bell go off. I got up and opened the door to see Addy lying on the step with a note attached to her. I picked her up followed the the note. The note read...

I can't be a mom to her with him around but I can't leave him. I know you can give her a good life, I know you can. I can't raise her right, I just can't. Please take care of her Kev, I'm begging you
Lots of love
C x

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