Chapter 41 - Tough Decisions

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It's the next morning and Kevin has brought Addy over to see Cara. Addy is sat on the floor playing with her toys
"I heard your going back" Kevin said
"Hm?" Cara said
"To the army?" Kevin asked
"They're short on officers, I've got to Kev. Plus it gets me away from here" Cara said
"Addy'll miss you" Kevin said
"She's got you! And let's face it, I was a totally shit mom, she deserves better kev, and you can give her that" Cara explained
"Are you sure the Army life is for you?" Kevin asked
"It's all I've ever known, the minute I left the army I nearly died" Cara explained
"I get that but Scott's in jail now and he's not getting out this time! Your safer here!" Kevin said
"I want to go back kev" Cara said
"Copy that" Kevin said

It's later that day and Cara has just wrapped up her last class at the academy, she runs into Kelly on her way out
"Not thinking about joining the army are we?" Cara laughed
"God no, I'm not tough enough for that" Kelly laughed
"How's Casey?" Cara asked
"You saw him last night?" Kelly said
"I know Uhm could you give him this?" Cara asked as she got a piece of paper out her bag
"Sure?" Kelly said as he took the paper
"Tell him to open it tonight though, please" Cara said
"I will do, I've gotta run but I'll see you Cara" Kelly said as he ran off

The day went by slowly, Cara's flight back to Afghan was at 10pm. She spent the rest of the afternoon packing. She then came across a picture of her and Addy when she was born.

*Caras POV*
Once I had picked up the picture I slowly realised how much of Addys life I had missed. I was a crappy mom and I knew that. I chose my career over my own daughter, she was living with someone who has no relation to her because her mom fucked up and gave her an abusive dad and a mom who chose her job over her.

Cara then walked upstairs to the room which would've been Addys Nursery when she was born. The wallpaper was torn and everything was tipped over. During Cara's pregnancy Scott had came home one night, drunk. He was annoyed at the world for making him a dad. Cara had spent the whole day decorating the nursery. Scott walked in and began destroying it. Cara was devastated. So much so that she stored everything away. She walked over to the wardrobe and began pulling out all the wallpaper. Cara missed her flight that night redecorating Addys Room. It now looked better than ever.

Cara then ran out the door and got in her car. She drove all the way to Kevin's. He opened the door, surprised to see her
"Cara? I thought?" Kevin said
"I called them on the way over here" Cara said
"Called who?" Kevin asked
"My Sargent, I'm not going back to the army Kevin" Cara said
"What?" Kevin asked
"I know I've been a shitty one but I want to be addys mom, I want to make sure she grows up knowing who I was. I'm not asking for custody because you should be her dad. All I'm asking is to be a part of her life" Cara said...

*Authors Note*
I hope your all enjoying the book! I was wondering who you all wanted to be endgame! Kevin or Casey! Or we can bring in a new character! Please leave your preferences in the comments!
Thank you!!

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