Chapter 21 - I want to see him

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After a long night, Kevin is woken up to the sound of voights voice
"Kev?" Voight said as Kevin opened his eyes
"Crap, did I fall asleep?" He said rubbing his eyes
"She's awake" Voight explained
Kevin then got up and ran into her room, Cara was laying there, clearly exhausted
"I'm sorry" She muttered
"You have nothing to be sorry for" Kevin said as he sat down next to her bed
"Did he" Cara asked
"We've got him Cara, he's not going anywhere" Kevin explained
"I want to see him" Cara said
"I don't think" Kevin said
"I need to do this Kev" Cara interrupted
"Fine" Kevin hesitated
A few hours later Cara has been "cleared" to go and visit Scott. She's still very weak but in a way she feels like she needs to put an end to him once and for all. Kevin helps her down to the cell before letting her walk in. Cara looks up to see Scott sitting on a bench with blood dripping from him onto the floor
"Bitch" He muttered
"You know I thought you were going to be different, I thought that you weren't like any other man out there! But yet I was wrong" Cara explained
"Don't tell me your sob story! You had the perfect life, your parents gave you everything you wanted and then you got into the army all because daddy has money" Scott yelled
"Oh please Scott! We grew up the same! You got everything in life handed too you and so did I! I know why you hit me! God everyone does" Cara yelled
"Enlighten me!" Scott said
"It's because growing up daddy hit mommy almost every night. Mom came home late from work, slap! Mom didn't pick up the right milk, slap! But it got so bad that your dad actually put your mom in the hospital! And do you know where you were?!" Cara yelled
Scott spat
"You were the 5 year old boy sitting in the corner terrified for his life! The boy who thought his dad was going to protect him from the world! But yet he turned out to be a pathetic woman hitter! But that little boy swore he was never going to turn out like his dad! Yet here we are 20 years later! That little boy is just like his dad, pathetic in every way possible!" Cara screamed
"Your a bitch you know that?! An attention seeking bitch!" Scott spat
"Oh please" Cara muttered
"You had just come home from Afghan! You needed attention yet you turned to me and blamed me for everything!" Scott yelled
"Then look me in my eyes and tell me you didn't almost kill me last night" Cara said as she walked closer to the cell
Scott just looked at the ground
"Rot. In. Hell. Scott" Cara spat before she walked out
That felt amazing, she had finally taken control over something in her life. Scott was going away for good, she would never have to deal with him again. She was free...

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