Chapter 20 - Interigations

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Adam then ran in the back way, taking Scott down with him. The bullet flew past voights shoulder landing in the glass of the door. Connor ran over to Cara and started doing chest compressions
"Code blue! I need a crash cart in here stat!" Connor yelled
Voight and his team cleared out taking Scott with them. Adam had Scott in cuffs and they walked past Kevin who stopped them
"Not so powerful now huh?" Kevin said as he laughed
Scott looked at him before spitting in his face, Kevin lunged towards him but Voight held him back
"Calm down there detective" Scott said smugly
"Shut it!" Adam said before dragging him away
Kevin turns around to see Connor doing chest compressions on Cara, he freezes. Maggie then shocks her, trying to get her back. Kevin stays at the hospital whilst Voight heads back to the district. Jay then walks into the holding cell along with Voight
"A woman beater, that's a huge charge. How many years is he going to get for that?" Jay asked as he looked through the files in his hands
"I dunno about 80 years to life in prison" Voight explained
"I'm right here you know" Scott yelled
"Oh right! How stupid of me" Voight said as he smacked him across the face
"I see you now!" Voight yelled
"Hitting a woman! Is your life really that sad that you would feel pleasure after hitting her?" Jay yelled
"My life ain't sad, that bitch had it coming" Scott spat
"Wrong answer" Voight yelled as he smacked him again
"You wish! And for the record she was nothing but a piece of trash to me. I was only using her for her money. God I can't even remember how many times I've cheated on her" Scott laughed
"Right that's why you put everything of hers into your name? Why you drugged her? Manipulated her? Called your child nothing but a rat and that it wasn't yours?" Jay asked
"She gave it away didn't she? I would have killed her and taken that rat with her" Scott yelled as Voight lunged towards him
Voight made his face go every shade of purple with red tints, blood was dripping from his nose and onto the floor. Scott's lip was burst and began to throb. After Voight was done he looked up and spat the blood at him
"I want a lawyer" Scott yelled
"Good luck with that pretty boy" Voight said as they walked out
Meanwhile Kevin is at the hospital when Jordan walks in with Addy
"I've got school Kev!" He announced as he handed Addy to Kevin
"Dude! I'm in the middle of something here" Kevin explained
"You've got your job! I haven't yet! You chose to take on Addy!" Jordan said before walking out
Kevin then sat back down when Maggie walked in
"We got her back, she's breathing on her own" She explained
"What about the surgery?" Kevin sighed
"It's going ahead tonight, but the bleed might be worse than what we thought. I'm making sure you know this now Kev, she might not wake up" Maggie explained....

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