Chapter 18 - Petty

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Scott looked down at Cara's almost lifeless body and scoffs. He walks out closing the bathroom door behind him. Cara is bleeding out, she wakes up with a pounding headache. She puts her hand on her head and sees blood. The world around her is spinning, she remembers her phone in her bedroom. She crawls out slowly, leaving a trail of blood behind her. She finds her phone on her bed and dials in Kevin's number
"Pick up" She mutters
However there is no answer, she then calls him again...Still no answer. She then dials in Jays number
"Cara?" He answered
"Blood...Head...Spin" Cara said as she can't get her words out
"What? Are you drunk?" Jay asked
"My head...Blood...Scott" Cara muttered
"I'm on my way Cara" Jay said as the line went dead
About 10 minutes later Jay arrives alongside Hailey, Jay checks downstairs whilst Hailey runs up stairs.
"Cara!" She yelled as he ran over to her
"Scott..." Cara muttered as Hailey tried to control the bleeding
"I know he did this" Hailey added as Jay ran in
"Cara!" Jay yelled
"Call 911" Hailey ordered
Jay pulled out his phone and dialled in 911
"This is detective Halstead, I need you to run an ambo to 67 rose avenue" Jay said
"Come on Jay! I'm loosing her!" Hailey yelled as Cara's grip started to go weak
"They're 10 minutes out" Jay said
"We don't have 10 minutes! We need to take her in your truck!" Hailey yelled as she picked Cara up
"Cancel that last order" Jay said before hanging up the phone
Jay took Cara from Hailey and they ran out, Hailey sat in the back with Cara. Jay started to drive
"Her breathings gone shallow Jay!" Hailey yelled
"I need 2 minutes!" Jay yelled as he picked up the speed
"I've lost her Jay!" Hailey yelled as she started to preform CPR
Jay then arrived at med
"I need help out here!" He yelled as doctors started to run out and take Cara in
Jay and Hailey stood in the waiting room, Jay tried to call Kevin but there was no answer. Maggie then walked out
"She's stable but we need to do an MRI to rule out bleeding on the brain" She said
"How soon can you do that?!" Jay asked
"It's a waiting game but if we can't catch it too late" Maggie said before walking back in
As Jay and Hailey sat down Kevin walked in
"Why the hell didn't you answer her call?!" Jay yelled
"What?" Kevin asked
"Scott beat her so much that she might have a bleed on her brain! She was bleeding out and you didn't care!" Jay yelled
"Oh I'm sorry I was too busy taking care of HER kid! And plus Voight was only a call away!" Kevin yelled
"Quit being so petty! My god! She picked Voight over you! She picked the man with power over you! You need to man up Kevin!" Jay yelled
"Is that right!!" Kevin asked as he walked closer to Jay
"Hey! That's enough!" Hailey yelled as she pulled them apart
"Cara wouldn't want you fighting! Now sit down like grown ass adults and behave yourselves!" Hailey yelled
Jay and Kevin sat on opposite sides...

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