Chapter 35 - Hes getting out...

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As Cara arrived at the airport her phone began to ring, she pulled it out to see a unknown number
"Hello?" Cara asked as she balanced her phone between her ear and shoulder
"Hello, is this Miss Cara Hart?" The lady asked
"Uh yeah it is, who's this?" Cara asked as she picked her phone up with her hand
"This is Mr Patterson's parol officer" The lady said as Cara went pale
"We'd like you to attend court tomorrow to discuss Mr Patterson's parol" She said
"What?!" Cara said
Cara panicked after ending the call, she couldn't possibly get on the plane. She ran back to her car and just started to drive. Tears were streaming from her face. She didn't know who to call but ended up calling Casey
"What do you want?" He asked
"I don't know what to do" Cara sobbed
"Woah, what's going on" Casey said
"There letting Scott out, I need to go to court! I'm supposed to be in Afghanistan!" Cara panicked
"I'm at the firehouse, come by and we'll sort this out" Casey said
After a while Cara arrived at the firehouse, she was greeted by Casey
"He can't get out, I can't handle that again!" Cara sobbed
"It's okay" Casey said as he put his arm around her and guided her inside
It's the next morning and Cara is headed to the court house, Casey is driving. They arrive and Emily is standing, Cara hadn't seen her since the whole custody battle
"Let's get that bastard back in jail" Emily added as she smiled
After a few minutes court was in full swing, Scott was called to the front to explain why he should be let out
"So Mr Patterson, explain to me the relationship of you and Miss Hart?" The judge asked
"Well I met her and some guys in France where I was fighting with the army and she was working on the same unit. Never had I seen so much beauty before. She and I went on to have a few dates and hit it off. I moved back home with her, I was in love with her. I then asked her dad to marry her but her daddy said no. So I did it anyway and she said yes. 1 year later we welcomed our daughter into the world" Scott explained
"Fucking liar" Cara muttered
"Miss Hart, care to join us on the stand" The judge said as Cara got up
She sat down and made eye contact with Kevin who was standing at the back
"You got this" He mouthed
"No doubt I was in love with Scott. Until he began to treat me like I was nothing. You already know about the beatings. However the night he "asked me to marry me" he had actually drugged my drink. I couldn't see, everything was blurry. I was sweating and out of the corner of my eye I could see him smiling. I woke up in the morning and somehow I was married. In fact one night things got so bad that he locked me in our shed outside" Cara explained
"So do you think Mr Patterson should be let out?" The judge asked
"Absolutely not, I genuinely wouldn't feel safe" Cara said
"Okay, let's take a 5 minute interval" The judge announced
Cara walked back to her table
"I did not hit you! Get that around your head!" Scott yelled
Cara just looked toward the table
"You nothing but a 2 faced bitch!" Scott yelled
"Hey!" Kevin yelled as he walked down along with Casey
"Oh 2 men now?! Didn't take long to replace me did it?!" Scott yelled
"I suggest you shut your mouth right now!" Casey yelled as the judge walked back in
"Problem here?" She asked
"Not at all your honour" Casey said
"After careful consideration, I have decided to.." The judge said...

*Authors Note*
I hope you all enjoyed the chapter! Since I've wrapped up one of my books I was thinking of creating a new one? If you have any ideas/requests could you please comment them! I would love to hear your ideas!

Thank you!

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