Chapter 14 - Addy - Rose

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It's a few months later and Cara is sitting in her room. She is now 39 weeks, meaning the baby could come any day now. Scott walked in with a car seat in his hand
"My moms gonna drop by later" Scott said but Cara didn't answer
"Cara?!" Scott yelled
But again Cara stared into space
"Cara!" Scott said as he pulled her hair
"Yeah" Cara said snapping out of it
"I said my mom is dropping by! You need to start listening" Scott yelled as he dumped the car seat
Cara then went to stand up however she got a sharp pain in her stomach
"Ahh!" She said as she reached out for Scott who ran over to her
"What's wrong?" He asked, taking her hand
Cara then felt a gush and looked down, it was her waters
"I - We need to go to the hospital" Cara said as Scott nodded
After a very long 5 hours Scott walked into the room to see Cara holding a beautiful baby girl in her arms.
"Hi" Cara said as she smiled
Scott walked over and glared at his baby
"She's an ugly little thing isn't she?" Scott added as the nurse walked in
"Oh hello! You must be dad! Have you held her yet?" She asked
"Not yet, thought I would let mom give her all the attention" Scott said as he sat down on the chair next to the bed
"That's all I need you for right?" Scott muttered
"Pardon?" The nurse asked
"Oh nothing" Scott added as Cara felt the tears well up in her eyes
"Well dad I have to do a check on mom so maybe you could go grab her some coffee?" The nurse suggested as Scott nodded
The nurse closed the curtain and started to check over Cara
"I'm Rachel by the way" Rachel said as she noticed the bruises running down Cara's stomach
"Cara" Cara said
"How did you get these?" Rachel asked
"I fell, once or twice" Cara explained
"You know your safe here right? I can keep you and baby safe?" Rachel said
"Addy" Cara said
"Huh?" Rachel asked
"Addy - Rose Hart, that's her name" Cara said
"Isn't your last name Patterson?" Rachel asked
"Yeah but I'm not letting him take her away from me" Cara muttered
It's a few days later and Cara is out a walk with Addy. She finds herself stumble across the district and decides to go in. The whole unit are there
"Cara?" Hailey said as she walked over to her
"This is Addy" Cara said smiling
"She's lovely" Hailey said as she picked her up
"I'm proud of you Cara" Kevin said as he gave her a hug
"Thanks Kev" Cara added
After a long day at the district Cara headed home, she put addy down and walked slowly out of her room. Scott was in his usual place
"Did the rat stop crying yet?!" Scott yelled
"Don't call her that" Cara said as she picked up his empty beer bottles
"Oh please! We both know that's all she is! She's gonna get taken away from us! She's gonna end up in the system when she's only 1 week old!" Scott yelled as he stood up
"I'm not letting that happen! Unlike your parents I love my kid! I want her to grow up and respect herself!" Cara yelled as Scott grabbed her hair
"What the hell did you just say?!" He yelled as Addy started crying
"She's crying Scott" Cara said
"Do I look like I care?!" Scott said as he snatched a bottle from Cara and smashed it against the wall
Cara looked up and him
"Your not pregnant anymore, I can do whatever I want to you!" Scott yelled as he smacked her over and over again
"Scott" Cara muttered but he didn't stop
He went harder, making her black and blue. Addy had settled herself and after a long and painful 10 minutes Scott was over her. He went to his bed leaving Cara on the floor, bleeding. This was how Addy was going to grow up and there was nothing Cara could do about it....

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