Chapter 22 - One thing after another

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A few months pass by and Cara has realised that she's in love with Kevin and she always has been. They've been dating for the past 4 months and are finally moving in together. Addy is back with her mom and everything is finally working out for Cara
"Hey Jordan?" Cara yelled
"Yep?" He asked
"Can you take this box for me?" Cara asked as she handed him a box
"What did your last slave die off?" Jordan said before walking out
Cara then stood up and packed the last of her things when Kevin walked in
"What are you looking at?" He asked as he wrapped his arms around Cara
"Nothing" Cara smiled
"Cmon spill" Kevin said
"Just that bit of carpet over there still has my blood on it, I never got around to cleaning it" Cara explained
"You don't need to worry about him anymore" Kevin added
"I know" Cara said as she kissed him
"How about we get going?" Kevin suggested
"I'd love that" Cara said as they walked out
After a few hours Cara was fully unpacked, Kevin had gone out for a bit with Adam
"When are you going to do it?" Adam asked as he took a sip of his coffee
"I mean do you not think it's a little soon?" Kevin asked
"Hey! You've known her for your whole life! She's finally back in it, go for it Kev" Adam said as he smiled
"I know but proposings a big thing" Kevin explained
"And? Go for it" Adam said as he laughed
It's later that night and Cara has just put Addy to sleep and Kevin is making dinner
"Smells yum" Cara said as she smiled
"My moms famous recipe" Kevin explained
"Then I'm sure it'll be wonderful" Cara explained as she started to set the table
As they sat down for dinner Cara's cell went off
"Sorry" Cara said as she picked up her phone
"Who is it?" Kevin muttered
"I dunno" Cara said as she answered it
Cara was then stunned to hear her Sargent's voice, she walked into her bedroom and 10 minutes later she walked out
"What's up?" Kevin asked, noticing the look on her face
"Uhm" Cara said as she took Kevin's hands
"What's going on?" Kevin said starting to get worried
"I'm going back to Afghanistan next week Kev" Cara said as she looked down
"What?!" Kevin asked as he let go off her hand
"I'm sorry" Cara said
"You can't do this! You've been through so much! And what about Addy?!" Kevin yelled
"I was hoping you would take care of her?" Cara said
"She's not my kid! Yes I took her in but that was because you were too scared to leave him! And how long are you going to be gone for! Huh?" Kevin yelled
"I don't know, it's touch and go" Cara explained
"My god Cara! Your selfish you know that?! Just getting up and leaving! But hell I guess it's okay because you said goodbye this time!" Kevin screamed
"Thanks Kev" Cara said before walking out
"Cara" Kevin sighed as the door slammed

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