Chapter 17 - Planting the drugs

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Kevin arrived in less than 10 minutes, Cara was still stood with the drugs.
"Cara?" He asked softly
But Cara just stood, staring at the drugs
"Cara? Honey?" Kevin asked
"I saw people getting killed in Afghanistan. I watched my friend get his leg blown off. I had to lay with my commanding officer after we had been bombed because I thought I was gonna die. Yet I can't handle having C*ke in my hands" Cara explained as her voice became shaky
"Why don't you give it to me? I'll hand it in and say I found it on the side of the street?" Kevin suggested
"No! I - I want him to go d - down for this" Cara explained
"Cara your fingerprints are all over that. Your going to go down for that" Kevin said softly
"Wipe them off! I need this! Please Kevin! I can't live like this anymore!" Cara panicked
"Hey! Hey! Breath for me" Kevin said as he took the C*ke from her hands
"No! N-No" Cara said, struggling to form words
Just then Voight appears at the end of the room
"Go home Kevin, I'll take it from here" He said
"What?!" Kevin replied
"I've got it covered, go home" Voight repeated
"Oh I see! Cara went to you for help! My god Cara! How could you have been so stupid! I'm here! I was always here! Yet you go to him!?" Kevin yelled
"Your gonna wake him up Kev!" Cara argued
"So what?! Your knight in shining armour is here?! He can throw him in a cell and give him a good old beating! And he gets away with it!" Kevin yelled
"Go home Atwater" Voight said as Kevin sighed
"Your making a big mistake here Cara!" Kevin said before walking out
Cara looked helplessly at Voight who simply nodded
"He'll come round" He explained before taking the drugs off of Cara
"What are you going to do with them?" Cara asked as she wiped her tears
"You'll see" Voight explained
After a long night Cara fell asleep, she woke up wrapped in Scott's arms. She couldn't help but think of the night before. She woke up to a big paragraph from Kevin
Kevin - Remember who took your kid in when you needed him too! Who has offered you everything! Who gave you a place to stay when your mom and dad kicked you out for wanting to be in the military! Who genuinely cares about you cara! I'm here for you! I could've put him away for you! Yet you go to Voight? Without even talking to me first?
Cara then puts her phone down before climbing out of bed. She heads to the bathroom to shower. When she steps out she sees Scott standing with the C*ke in his hands
"Why did this move?" He asked as he smirked
"What do you mean?" Cara asked as she looked out her clothes
"This was in the cupboard? Yet this morning it was in my car? Explain that one to me?" Scott asked
"I don't know Scott and quite frankly I don't care" Cara explained as she slipped on her clothes
"You bitch! You were gonna frame me weren't you?!" Scott yelled as he walked closer to her
"I'm not scared of you anymore, I'm going to do anything it takes to put you away for life" Cara threatened
"Is that right?" Scott yelled as he grabbed her hair
Scott pulled her into the bathroom, he turned her head to face him. He smiled and laughed to himself, before turning Cara's head back and throwing her head against the bathroom unit. However he had actually knocked her out this time....

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