Chapter 10 - 25 Weeks

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It's a few days later and Cara has met up with Hailey to get some coffee.
"How are you?" Hailey asked as she stirred her coffee
"I'm fine, now can we talk about something other than Scott?" Cara asked as they sat down
"We're just worried about you that's all" Hailey explained
"Have I been gaining weight these past few weeks?" Cara said
"Don't think so, why?" Hailey asked
"It's just Scott keeps telling me I have and my army uniform is a little tighter than usual. It should fit, that was the one I wore in...France" Cara realised
"Whats wrong?" Hailey asked
"I - I need to go" Cara said as she grabbed her bag and ran out
"Cara?" Hailey yelled
Cara got in her car and sat there, it was like she forgot how to drive. She knew what was going on but she didn't want it to be true. She glanced at her watch and the time read 11:30. She had to be at the academy for 12. She took a deep breath and started to drive off. She arrived at the academy 10 minutes later and headed towards the locker rooms.
"Come on!" Cara yelled as she tried to pull up her pants
"Everyone okay in here?" A man asked
"Yep, just a girl that has gained a crap ton of weight" Cara said as she sat on the bench
"Hey I get you, coming off the military diet can be hard" The man laughs
"Yeah...I'm sorry I don't know who you are" Cara said as the man laughed
"Randy, I worked in the same unit as you in Afghanistan" Randy said as he smiled
"Right! I'm sorry Afghanistan was a long time ago for me, I've been to 5 other places since then" Cara explained
"Hey I get it, I need to go teach a class but it was nice meeting you again" Randy said before walking out
"Come on pants!" Cara yelled as she tried again
After a very long day Cara has arrived home, for once Scott isn't there. He left a note saying that he was going out with friends. Cara then went to the kitchen and poured herself a glass of wine. She sat down on the couch and stared at it.
"Really?" Cara muttered as she walked towards the bathroom
After a few minutes Cara was shocked, she didn't know what to do. She ran out and drove to the district. She ran in to find Kevin at his desk
"Cara?" He asked
"This can't be happening!" Cara yelled as she paced up and down
"What? What's wrong?" Kevin asked
"I messed up! I can't get away anymore!" Cara yelled
"Cara!" Kevin yelled as he grabbed her hand
Cara focused on him, it casted her mind back to senior prom. Where she found out her grandma had died. Kevin comforted her then, I guess some things never change
"Sit down and breath" Kevin said calmly as he sat her down
Cara took deep breaths before looking at Kevin
"Care to tell me what's going on?" Kevin asked as he kneeled in front of her
"I'm pregnant Kevin, I'm 25 weeks. I can't get rid of it" Cara sobbed
"Hey! It's okay. Are you sure it's" Kevin said as Cara cut him off
"It's his, it's Scott's kid" Cara muttered...

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