Chapter 25 - Life story

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An hour after the incident Cara is sitting in her tent when Davis walks in.
"Okay spill" She said as she sits down
"Spill what?" Cara asked
"Clearly something happened in those magical years you were away from me so spill" Davis laughed
"Uhh Scott? Remember him?" Cara asked
"Oh my god! Eye candy from France, you still with him?" Davis said
"He's in prison" Cara said bluntly
"Oh my god, what for hitting a guy in a bar after he hit on you?" Davis asked
"Uhm no, for hitting me actually...multiple times. Actually nearly killing me and threatening my five month old daughter" Cara said as she looked at the floor
"Oh my god Cara, I didn't know" Davis added
"No one did and that was my fault for not telling anyone" Cara laughed
"I'm pathetic really, I don't need anything from anyone" Cara said
"Cara, you nearly killed yourself today. They're must be something bothering for you" Davis said as she put her hand on top of Cara's
"I then fell in love after Scott, with my childhood best friend. I hadn't seen him for what 10 years but he took my daughter in when I couldn't look after her. I left him for here, I left him with my kid. What kind of person does that make me?!" Cara sobbed
"Hey" Davis said as she gave Cara a hug
"You did what you had to do" She added
Meanwhile back in Chicago Kevin is at the district
"You look rough, was it Addy?" Hailey asked as she handed Kevin a cup of coffee
"No she slept perfectly, I just couldn't sleep" Kevin said as he took a swig of his coffee
"She was in the army for 10 years Kev, she can handle herself" Jay added
"I was gonna propose the night she left but instead I told her to go kill herself" Kevin said as he sat at his desk
"She left Kev, that's on her not you" Kim added
Kevin then looked up at Kim
"She's selfish if you ask me, I mean leaving her kid with you? I would've put it up for adoption already" Kim laughed
"Wow Kim, what the hell?!" Hailey yelled
"What?! Addy isn't his responsibility" Kim replied
"You know she always wanted kids" Kevin said
"Hmm?" Hailey asked
"We took this parenting class in high school and we got partnered for it" Kevin laughed as he started to tell the story
*June, 2002*
"How the hell are we supposed to look after a kid?" Kevin laughed as he looked at Cara changing the robot babies diaper
"Oh come on! It'll be fun!" Cara laughed
"Isn't that right kiddo! We're going to have a blast!" Cara said in a baby like voice
"Your insane" Kevin said
"Oh please I'm not the insane one! Now come and hold your daughter" Cara said as she passed the baby to Kevin
"Does this thing have a name?" Kevin asked
"I don't think so, oh my gosh we can name her!" Cara replied
"How do you know it's a she?" Kevin asked
"Oh please tell me you know human anatomy?" Cara laughed
"Shut up! I mean how do you know" Kevin laughed
"I changed her diaper" Cara said as Kevin smiled
"How about Addy?" Kevin said looking at the baby in his arms
"Addy Hart-Atwater...Has a nice ring to it" Cara smiled
Kevin then smiled
*Present day*
"So that's where the name Addy came from?" Hailey asked as she smiled
"Wait Jay can you pull up Cara's file?" Kevin asked as he stood up
"Sure" Jay said as he pulled it up
Kevin then went to family members in her file to see addys name in full. It read "Addy Rose Hart-Atwater"
"Would you look at that, she kept her promise" Hailey said
"She really did" Kevin smiled

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