Chapter 43 - Im not Scott

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"Cmon kiddo, go to sleep" Cara said as she bounced Addy
However Addy kept screaming, it was now 3 am and Cara would not get Addy to settle.
"Please Addy" Cara cried
However Addy never stopped
"Your going to wake him up Addy!" Cara yelled which just triggered Addy more
"Cara?" Kevin asked as he stood in the doorway
"Crap, did I wake you up? I'm sorry" Cara said as she continued to bounce Addy
"Let me take her" Kevin said, stretching his arms out
"Hey no, it's okay. Go back to sleep" Cara said
"Cara your working tomorrow, I'll take her. You get some rest" Kevin insisted
"Are you sure?" Cara asked
"Positive" Kevin said as he took Addy from Cara

It was the next morning, Cara was sat in the kitchen with a cup of coffee when Kevin walked in
"Crap, I'm sorry. I'll make your breakfast" Cara said as she practically jumped out her seat
"Hey it's all good, I don't need breakfast Cara" Kevin said
"I'm really sorry, I know I'm not allowed to eat before you" Cara said, blocking Kevin out as she cracked eggs into a bowl
"Cara" Kevin said as he walked over to her
Cara didn't listen to him
"Hey! Look at me" Kevin said as he took her hands
Cara sighed as she looked up
"I'm not Scott, okay? I love and appreciate you so much more than that" Kevin explained
"I know, I'm sorry. I just" Cara explained
"There's no need to apologise darling" Kevin said as he kissed her forehead
Just then Hailey and Jay walked in
"Auntie Hailey and Uncle Jay reporting for duty!" Hailey smiled
"Shoot, I've gotta run" Cara said as she kissed Kevin goodbye before running out the door

Cara arrived at the academy shortly after, she was greeted by her class. She taught them for a good hour before taking a break.
"Isn't that the one who's husband abused her?" Someone asked
Cara's eyes shot up
"I think so. She had a kid with him or something? But she got taken away from her" Another girl added
Cara got up and walked towards them
"I suggest if you both want to keep your place in this class then you keep your mouth shut. Your nothing in this place, trust me. I have power over you like you wouldn't believe. I can end your so called career in an instant. And for the fucking record, my daughter is extremely happy and no she didn't get taken away from me. Now keep your mouth shut or you'll have no mouth to talk with" Cara said
"Copy that" They both said
As Cara walked away she got a call from Kevin
"Hey" She answered
"It's Addy, she wasn't breathing" Kevin said
"What?" Cara yelled...

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