Chapter 16 - Your playing with fire...

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It's a few mornings later and Cara is getting ready for work. Scott walks in and he smiles
"That's what I like to see!" Scott said as he kissed her cheek
"What?" Cara asked as she slipped gel onto her perfectly placed bun
"You not being so pathetic and actually going to work" Scott said as Cara rolled her eyes
"I'll be home around 6, I'll bring dinner" Cara said as she got up and walked out
After a long day teaching at the academy, Cara still had around an hour and a half before she had to get home. She drove to the district and walked in, she was greeted by trudy
"Cara? Kevin's not in?" She explained
"I'm not here to see him, Uhm" Cara said as she sighed
"Is Voight here?" She asked
"Yeah he's in his office" Trudy explained as Cara smiled before walking up
The unit was in darkness, apart from the one light in Voights quarters. She walks up to his door and knocks
"Come in" He yelled before looking up
"Cara? How can I help?" Voight asked as Cara sat down
"I Uhm...I need help" Cara said as her eyes filled up with tears
Voight looks at her and nods. Cara heads home later that night with dinner.
"Did you get my damn beer?" Scott yelled, scouring through the bags
"Shit sorry Scott I forgot" Cara said as she sighed
"That ain't damn good enough!" Scott yelled as he slapped Cara
"I - I can run out and grab you some more Scott" Cara said as she rubbed the side of her face
"It's too late now! I have to suffer another night being sober!" Scott yelled
"Would that be so bad Scott! You would be a better man!" Cara argued
"I've been going to those stupid meetings! They're not helping!" Scott yelled
"One meeting isn't going to help! My god Scott!" Cara screamed
"You bitch!" Scott yelled as he lunged towards her
Scott took her by her hair and slapped her silly.
*Caras POV*
I felt numb, I constantly felt numb. It didn't matter that he was beating everything I had out of me, I constantly felt like nothing. I was nothing at the end of the day, I had given up my daughter for a man who didn't really love me. Who was only with me for the money. After doing his damage Scott went to bed. It stunned me how he did this sober, so clearly he really meant what he was doing. I was relying on Voight to fix everything but I needed to do something. I got up and started to search high and low for the thing he put in my drink that night. Surely I could find something, I had too. After about an hour my apartment was wrecked, I opened the last cupboard to find a white sack. It was C*ke, I froze. It was just lying there in my hand. I then picked up my phone and dialled Kevin's number
"Kevin! I need you" I said...

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