Chapter 3 - It happened again...

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*Cara's POV*
I got up and walked towards the bathroom, my eye was fully black and the cut had turned into a scar. There was no way I could cover this up. I sighed before getting dressed and heading to the academy. I was teaching my first class and on the way I got a text from Scott
You know I was drunk, I'm really sorry Cara. I won't hit you again, I won't let it happen
I ignored it and walked into the academy, this was the place that I could let all my anger out.
"Get your asses up!" I yelled as the whole class shot up
"I'm Cara Hart and I'm going to be your instructor! Try any crap on me and I swear to god I will murder you! Now give me 100 push-ups!" I yelled as I started the timer
It was the end of class and my phone went off again, it was Scott, trying to sell himself to me
Baby come on! Text me back already!!!
I went to text him back when I heard a familiar voice call my name
"You following me now?" Kevin asked
"You wish, what brings you down here?" I asked as I hugged him
"Just some work stuff, speaking of work why don't you come down to the district? Meet everyone?" Kevin added noticing her eye
"Woah! What happened?!" Kevin asked
"A fight between two people in my class and I got in the middle of it. But sure I can come down to the district" I explained
*Present Day*
Kevin and Cara arrived at the district, they then walked in together. Cara definitely felt on edge after last nights events. She put on a smile then walked in
"Hey guys, there's someone I'd like you to meet" Kevin said as he started to show Cara off
"Oh is this the famous Cara we keep hearing about?" A blonde woman asked
"It sure is!" Kevin said as Cara smiled
Kevin introduced them one by one until a doctor walks in
"Hey Jay I need dads..." Will said before looking at Cara
"Oh that looks nasty" Will said as he looked more closely
"Oh it's nothing" Cara said as she could fell his warm breath against her face
"I really have to get going. It was nice meeting you all" Cara said before hurrying away
"What did she say happened?" Will asked
"She got into the middle of a fight" Kevin explained
"That's not right?" Will responded
"Huh?" Jay asked
"Then explain to me why it was cut? Someone did that to her" Will explained
Cara drives home to see empty beer bottles in the kitchen. Scott then stumbles in
"I thought you were staying off the drink?" Cara asked as she angrily put the bottles into the trash
"And I thought you would get home on time but here we are!" Scott yelled
Scott was a mean drunk, a very mean drunk. He got pissed over the tiniest of things.
"I have a life you know! Your not my priority!" Cara yelled
"Is that so?!" Scott yelled as he kneed Cara in the abdomen
*Cara's POV*
I knew I had upset him when I felt his knee against my stomach. I hunched over, clutching my stomach.
"Scott" I hissed
"Don't you ever talk back to me again!" He spat
Scott walked over to me and grabbed my by the hair, my head was flung back and his grip grew tighter around my hair. He wrapped his other hand around my neck and looked at me with disgust.
"You understand princess?!" He yelled
God I hated it when he called me that, my dad used to call me princess when I was younger and Scott knew that. I hated being reminded of him when Scott did these things to me.
"Your nothing but a scared little man who thinks he can hit woman!" I yelled as he smirked
Scott lifted his hand from my neck and dug his nail into my wound from the previous night. I whimpered in pain holding in my screams.
"Im what now?" Scott asked as I felt the blood trickle down the side of my face
I just looked away
"That's what I thought!" Scott yelled as he let go
I fell to the ground, gripping the cabinet handles on the way down. I curled up my legs hoping it would help the pain coming from my abdomen. After an hour I got up and walked to the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror. I sighed thinking of how Scott was pushing me around and treating me like I'm nothing.
"You know I didn't mean it" Scott said as he leaned against the door frame
I just looked at his reflection whilst cleaning up the dried blood on my face.
"I love you Cara, I really do" Scott said as he smiled
"I love you too Scott" I replied
"There's a good girl" Scott added before walking away

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