Chapter 45 - Please...

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"Your going to go to jail!" Kevin yelled
"What was I supposed to do Kevin!?" Cara yelled
"Leave him for me to handle!" Kevin yelled
"What did you do the first time?! Throw him in jail! What the fuck is that going to do! He has a hearing in 6 months! They could let him out for good behaviour! What am I supposed to do then?! Live in fear?! I know for a fact Kevin that he will actually kill me this time!" Cara yelled
"That's not going to happen!" Kevin argued
"But what if it does?! Addy won't be safe! What am I meant to do?! I can't keep her safe as it is! Do you not think I'm a terrible mom!? I shipped my newborn baby off to you because I couldn't leave Scott! He had me trapped in this pathetic spell that he actually loved me! He said he was going to protect me! Yes, you guys were there and offering me help but I couldn't leave him! I was too scared of the things he was going to do to me if I did!" Cara yelled
Kevin sighed and looked at the ground
"I want the best for that little girl, if I show it or not. For some reason the universe wanted me to be a mom! I understand I've not always gotten a lot of things right but I know now. I'm ready to be her mom!" Cara said
"Cara, you've not been yourself recently. You've been acting out. Doing all these things that I never thought you'd do. I'm worried about you Cara" Kevin said as he watched Cara's hands shake
"I'm okay kev, I just need a few days to get over all of this! I'm okay!" Cara smiled
Just then Dr.Charles walked in
"Really?" Cara said as she looked at Kevin who avoided eye contact
"Why don't we go for a chat?" Dr.Charles asked

"I went through a rough patch, that's all. I'm over that now" Cara said
"I understand that but as I said all I want of for us to have a chat. Now tell me about your time in the army? You served in Afghanistan right?" Dr.Charles asked
"I hated school, I hated everything about it. From age 13/14, I always knew I wanted to be this big scary Sargent in the army that no one would mess with. Afghanistan hit me hard, it hit all of us. I can't count how many friends I watched die in front of me. I remember coming home and have my best friends husband sob in my arms after I had to tell him that his wife and mother of his children didn't make it" Cara said as she looked at the floor
"And what about Scott? Where is he in all of this?" Dr.Charles asked
"I met him in France, he was my light through all the darkness. He was every woman's dream guy. He had the looks, he was high up in the army, he saved all these kids from dying and I fell for it. Well his act anyway. It started when we were at the airport going home, the controlling behaviour. Then when we got home, he began to get more physical. I can't count how many scars I have from him. I remember being petrified when I found out I was pregnant, he was upset it wasn't a boy. He never wanted Addy, but he knew I did. So he would use her against me, which is why I crumbled. I thought her living with Kevin would give her a better chance in life" Cara said
"You've been through more in the space of a decade than most of us will go through in years, you need to be made aware of that. Your struggling Cara, it's not a sign of weakness to ask for help" Dr.Charles said...

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