Chapter 33 - Aftermath

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"Are you stupid!?!" Emily yelled
"He deserves her" Cara argued
"We we're winning that case Cara! You could be sitting with YOUR kid right now!" Emily yelled
"WHAT IF I DIDN'T WANT HER?!" Cara yelled
"What?" Emily asked
"What if I wanted to stay in the army? I don't wanna be stuck working at the academy! My mom loved me but she was never there! I'm just like her! I was never meant to be a mom! Wrap that around your head! I'm 24, I'm not ready to be a mom yet!" Cara yelled as Casey walked in
"Everything okay?" He asked
"Talk some sense into your little friend here" Emily scoffed as she walked out
"Kevin has full custody of Addy" Cara explained
"Don't tell me you-" Casey asked as Cara nodded
"I pulled strings for you Cara! STRINGS! All that for you to just give her away!" Casey yelled
"I know nothing about her Casey, it wouldn't be fair" Cara explained
"Hey Casey, we've gotta go" Kelly said
"Got it" Casey said as he walked out
"Casey" Cara yelled but he was already gone
Cara sighed as she sat down, meanwhile with Casey
"How the hell did you land the girl from the bar?!" Otis laughed
"Oh please, you wouldn't have had chance with her!" Cruz argued
"Can you both shut the hell up?! Your giving me a headache!" Casey yelled
"Copy that" Otis muttered
It's later that night and Cara has met Hailey for a drink
"He's really happy" She added
"Kev?" Cara asked
"He adores that little girl, I hope you know that" Hailey said
"I do, trust me" Cara said
"So what happens to you?" Hailey asked
"I'll probably go back to Afghanistan, stay for a few years then get moved about again" Cara explained
"You can't keep running away from your problems, and what about Casey?! You seemed to be getting on with him?" Hailey asked
"He's great but again I messed that one up" Cara explained
"I'm sure Casey will let you apologise" Hailey suggested
"Yeah" Cara sighed
It's a few days later and Cara still hasn't spoke to Casey, she has been offered her old position back in the army and is on her way to the airport. She left a note with Kelly yesterday to give to Casey, explaining how sorry she was. Life just wasn't going Cara's way, god it never did. And here she was a few hours later in Afghanistan. Her and Davis joined the rest of the team as their Captain Hicks had an announcement
"As most of you know, I'm retiring next week. My time here has been memorable, I've had the joy to work around so many great soldiers. However one stuck out to me and that is the person whom I choose to give my job too. This job requires commitment and I'm sure she's up for the challenge. So that's why I would like to present for the first time, Captain Cara Hart" Hicks announced
"What?!" Cara asked  

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