Chapter 11 - Courage

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"Leave him Cara! I'll keep you safe! We can flee the country and Voight can take him down!" Kevin yelled
"Kev.." Cara muttered
"I can get the whole unit on him! We've got the pictures from when he hit you and" Kevin rambled
"Kevin!" Cara yelled
Kevin turned to look at her
"He didn't hit me, remember? You have nothing on him" Cara explained
"Come on Cara! He did hit you! I know it! You know it! The whole damn district knows it!" Kevin yelled as he smacked his hand against the table
"Yeah well think what you want, but he didn't hit me" Cara said as she grabbed her things
"Cara please!" Kevin said
"I'm sorry Kev, I need to tell him" Cara said before walking out
Cara arrives home a short time later, Scott is in his usual place
"Hey Scott" Cara said as she sat next to him
"What do you want?" Scott asked
"I need to tell you something, it's big" Cara explained
"Well! Spit it out then!" Scott yelled
"I'm pregnant, it's yours" Cara explained as Scott looked at her
"What?!" Scott asked
"I found out this morning" Cara explained
"This is great! I'm going to be a dad!" Scott yelled as he smiled
"Yeah I guess you are" Cara muttered before getting up and walking upstairs
Cara sat in her dark bedroom, she wanted this to fix things. That Scott would finally stop doing those things to her. But she knew that once she has his baby, she's stuck with him for life. She is then knocked out her trance with a knock at the door. She runs down stairs and opens it
"He knocked you up?" Hailey asked with Jay standing next to her
"Hailey?! Jay?!" Cara asked as she stepped out and closed the door
"Your seriously having his kid! What the hell is going on with you?!" Jay yelled
"I don't have a choice Jay!" Cara yelled
"Of course you do! Get rid of it!" Jay yelled
"I've thought about that idiot! I'm too far along!" Cara yelled
"Cara we can keep you safe, we can take you to a safe house right now. Kevin and Adam can work on getting Scott taken in! We can help you Cara! Come with us!" Hailey explained
"I can't" Cara hesitated
"Like hell you can't Cara! Move out the way! I'll take his ass in right now!" Jay said as he tried to push past Cara
"Jay" Cara muttered
"Let me through Cara!" Jay yelled
"I can't Jay!" Cara yelled but Jay didn't stop
"Why won't you let us help you?!" Jay asked as he stepped back
"Because I can do this on my own! Now please! Go home!" Cara asked
"Come on Jay" Hailey said
Jay then walked towards the car, Hailey stopped and looked at Cara
"I'm here if you need me" Hailey said as she smiled
"Thanks Hails" Cara said before stepping back inside

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